07/19/16 09:49AM
Dumb fears
What are some weird fears you have that you know are stupid and groundless but still freak you out.

For me it's mirrors, I can't stand to look at my reflection for two reasons.

The first is just the dumb horror movie trope of seeing something there that shouldn't be there.

The second is more existential something about seeing myself just creates an uneasy feeling like I'm not really looking at myself I'm looking at someone else and seeing them as me. I try not to dwell on that too much.
07/19/16 10:02AM
I'm scared of looking out windows at night for a similar reason. I am convinced I'm gonna see someone out there someday
07/19/16 10:04AM
SomeCallMeSalty said:
I'm scared of looking out windows at night for a similar reason. I am convinced I'm gonna see someone out there someday

I get that, I keep curtains close at night for that reason, saw my reflection one night and nearly screamed.
07/19/16 10:06AM
Imasuky said:
I get that, I keep curtains close at night for that reason, saw my reflection one night and nearly screamed.

I'm pale, thin, have bags under my eyes, and have long dark hair, for a guy anyways. I'm convinced that one day I'll see my reflection faintly in a window and then realize it's not my reflection because I look like a fucking serial murderer.
07/19/16 10:07AM
A few of mine include:

-A severe weariness of water in video games
-Bees (not really dumb because I am allergic, but more so because I am not really afraid of death)
-Head trauma or amnesia (not really dumb, just a fear I haven't seen other people claim)

And maybe a few other things I can't think of at the moment xD
07/19/16 10:11AM
SomeCallMeSalty said:
I'm pale, thin, have bags under my eyes, and have long dark hair, for a guy anyways. I'm convinced that one day I'll see my reflection faintly in a window and then realize it's not my reflection because I look like a fucking serial murderer.

Yeah I can understand why you'd scare yourself.

A big part of it for me comes from a show I watched when I was a kid, The monster was basically like The Hanged Man from Jojo.

Every time the guys saw a reflection this monster would attack him, It ended with him in bed with his lover and when he looked into her eyes he saw his reflection then the monster...and credits with her screaming.
07/19/16 10:14AM
Oh do I have an answer for this one.

When I go to our house's toilet and I take a dump, I get scared that I'll suddenly develop teleportation powers and show up in a stranger's house all squatted and ass filled with shit. I don't know why I feel that way or why my mind thinks it's even in the realm of reality, but yeah, when I sit on that toilet, it's a fear that I always have.
07/19/16 10:16AM
skibidibap said:
Oh do I have an answer for this one.

When I go to our house's toilet and I take a dump, I get scared that I'll suddenly develop teleportation powers and show up in a stranger's house all squatted and ass filled with shit. I don't know why I feel that way or why my mind thinks it's even in the realm of reality, but yeah, when I sit on that toilet, it's a fear that I always have.

Wow...That would be terrifying but I seriously doubt it'll happen. But damn that is a dumb fear.
07/19/16 10:17AM
skibidibap said:
Oh do I have an answer for this one.

When I go to our house's toilet and I take a dump, I get scared that I'll suddenly develop teleportation powers and show up in a stranger's house all squatted and ass filled with shit. I don't know why I feel that way or why my mind thinks it's even in the realm of reality, but yeah, when I sit on that toilet, it's a fear that I always have.

That's the most oddly specific yet oddly relatable fear I've ever heard. Like relatable in the sense of like, I doubt I've ever thought that, but if it happened holy shit that would be terrifying
07/19/16 10:33AM
I know this is incredibly stupid, but slugs creep the hell out of me, I have no idea where this fear originated from. This only applies to the land variants, I'm actually pretty fond of sea slugs.
07/19/16 10:34AM
airmanexe said:
I know this is incredibly stupid, but slugs creep the hell out of me, I have no idea where this fear originated from. This only applies to the land variants, I'm actually pretty fond of sea slugs.

To be fair they are gross as hell.

My mother goes out of her way to kill every single slug she sees near our home because she can't stand them at all.
07/19/16 11:12AM
I have some of these.

* Medical needles. I have a phobia, and actually lose consciousness when pricked due to stress-induced <<|vasovagal syncope>>.

* Bees. Due to a childhood trauma. The fuckers hate me, and I hate them. Seriously, they must sense my fear and disdain, because they will legitimately ignore everyone else in a full room and come after me from 25 feet away. It happens a lot. <.<

* Most insects, while not specifically causing fear, gross me out and make me not want to touch them even indirectly. If I need to squish one, I'll use not one or two tissues, but usually an entire wad of them depending on the size of the bug.
07/19/16 11:17AM
Vanndril said:

* Bees. Due to a childhood trauma. The fuckers hate me, and I hate them. Seriously, they must sense my fear and disdain, because they will legitimately ignore everyone else in a full room and come after me from 25 feet away. It happens a lot. <.<

Bees are the worst T_T
07/19/16 11:18AM
I have a deep fear that I am unlovable and the second someone really sees me, they'll run away.

I have this fear of drop offs. When I was young I had these terrible nightmares I had to come to terms with; before I stopped dreaming often. In one of them I was on the side of the building and a great wind threw me me into the void.

I still feel a irrational dislike of open spaces as a result. It's not the height per say - that's scary but I can deal with that. It's the void. I developed something like hydrophobia - long after I was a really good swimmer - for the same reasons; there's nothing in that blue, for miles or maybe a few feet. Then wham, fish the size of a truck with rows of teeth. For reference: I live in a land locked state.

I have this irrational fear of my body's craving of adrenaline and fear. Because doing scary stupid shit has made me feel normal for the first time in a long time. And not anxious. That's fucked up.
07/19/16 11:21AM
Rookaa_Nocturn said:
Bees are the worst T_T

I swear, I actually had one notice me, fly up, and, in a very cartoon manner, aim its hindquarters at me while extending its stinger, all before swooping down to wreck my day.

I didn't even notice it until I saw it do that, and it was almost surreal.

Luckily, the vacuum was nearby. It fled to the curtains of a nearby window when I dodged its assault and turned on the vacuum. So, I placed the vacuum on the other side of the curtain and let it struggle in vain as it was stuck against the curtain due to suction for about 10 minutes. Once I was content that my revenge was sweet, I just swiftly vacuumed it up and left it at that.
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