07/21/16 05:45AM
Got any webcomics you're following? Post them here!
Edit: I'm looking for CURRENT webcomics. Incompletion isn't a bad thing, though I expect at least a few chapters (or whatever equivalent, for less structured comics) to be done.

A fun series that's started up somewhat-recently-ish. Stars Piras "Deadhead" Dameschi, with Nyl and Cian. They use "flux" to kill titans, uh, I mean grimm, wait, no, they're abberations, man-eating monsters kept out by giant walls.... usually. However, unlike Attack on Titan, RWBY, or pretty much any other "last of humanity" anime that's come out recently, the government has actually censored out all mentions of flux and abberations with a scapegoat "blue pest" disease. Also, Nyl's power is memory manipulation and light MC, so yeah :3

Atomic Robo
AR really needs to be witnessed, it just can't be described. Anyone who enjoys sci-fi, alternate history, alternate now, dinosaurs, explosions, robots, ghosts, zombies, vampires, dead nazis, comedy, plot, etc etc etc, should defenitely give it a read.
07/21/16 06:19AM
I currently read the Undertale webcomic Reminiscence; and I have to say that it definitely brought a tear to my eye with how beautiful and full of sorrow it is. I definitely recommend it, but do be warned, it is not finished yet ^^

07/21/16 08:57AM
*vomits Homestuck*

07/21/16 09:02AM
SomeCallMeSalty said:
*vomits Homestuck*


Seems like someone indulged in too much xD
07/21/16 09:11AM
Rookaa_Nocturn said:
Seems like someone indulged in too much xD

Homestuck was 7 years of emotional trauma and no one in the fandom has gotten over it yet
07/21/16 09:18AM
Blank It. Yeah.
07/21/16 09:29AM
SomeCallMeSalty said:
Homestuck was 7 years of emotional trauma and no one in the fandom has gotten over it yet

Haven't read it, so I couldn't possibly know my friend ^^'
07/21/16 09:39AM
Far too many to list them all.

Heres one in particular.

<<www.sssscomic.com/index.php|Stand Still. Stay Silent>>

A post-apocalyptic sort of story with plenty of mysteries left to be solved, a cast of characters that bounce off of one another brilliantly, and it's damn pretty, to boot. [which considering it's update schedule verges on 'HOW?!' but yeah]

Would also recommend Cucumber Quest, Paranatural [practically every panel is reaction image worthy], Namesake and Goodbye to Halos. They're not all for everyone, but I'd say they're all pretty good.
07/21/16 09:52AM
Does Dr. Who count?
07/21/16 09:58AM
<<www.egscomics.com/archives.php|El Goonish Shive>>

The most perverted, Squeaky-clean comic I've ever read. It's a modern world mixed with elements of Sci-fi, Fantasy, Drama, and Slice-of-Life stuff. It's my favorite, even if there are a solid deal of problems with different things. Very, VERY good characters IMO, lots of nice development and cool moments.

Art style starts off ATROCIOUS but gets bettter, until it gets REALLY good. Either way, it's one I like. Worth a read, if just for the characters and stuff.
07/21/16 10:47AM
Though it's been a while since I've read it, some of the best art I've seen comes from a webcomic called "Romantically Apocalyptic" (I think) . Don't remember too much about it though as its been almost 3 years since i last read it. (I should probably go a read it again).
07/21/16 10:51AM
Atomic Laundromat, superheros comedy and literal dirty laundry. Also some MC in form of the Evil Chef, you'll love his cooking even if you don't want to.
07/21/16 11:47AM
How has no one mentioned Order of the Stick yet?
07/21/16 11:52AM
strangeperson said:
How has no one mentioned Order of the Stick yet?

True, but in case my OP wasn't clear, I'm more trying to get people to trade new, less known webcomics. OotS is fairly well known, even to many non-webcomic fans.
07/21/16 12:26PM
<<www.collectedcurios.com/sequentialart.php?s=1|Sequential Art>> is more of a comic strip, to be precise, but seeing as it's got a plot (at times) and has almost a thousand stips, I'll assume it qualifies.

So, summary. A guy, a penguin, a catgirl and a squirrelgirl plus various hijinx both mundane and abnormal. Art style is a simple monochrome one. Updates quite rarely these days, but again, almost a thousand strips, so it's still gonna take a while to read through.
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