07/21/16 09:47PM
Games that need sequels
Yeah, I think you can guess what this thread is about.
[And if it's been done before by all means just lemme know and I'll delete this haha]

I mean, personally I'd love to see the likes of Vagrant Story or Legend of Dragoon get revivals but my faith in squeenix's ability to deliver isn't...terribly high presently.

07/21/16 09:50PM
The Last Of Us DESERVES a damn sequal. Any game that can make me bawl out of happiness, sadness, and anger at the same time, deserves to have more of its story told.
07/21/16 10:07PM
Battlefield Bad Company 2 and the new Doom needs sequels now!
07/21/16 10:09PM
someguy231 said:
Battlefield Bad Company 2 and the new Doom needs sequels now!

They're console shooter games, odds are, they'll get sequels.
07/21/16 10:13PM
PrincessLucina said:
They're console shooter games, odds are, they'll get sequels.

They're better on PC. These started on PC, not consoles.
07/21/16 10:16PM
The Lunar series because there hasn't been anything since Lunar 2. Not a single one and that is a shame.
07/21/16 10:18PM
bioshock 2. seriously we need more bioshock
07/21/16 10:21PM
Not so much a sequel, but I seriously need to know when MachineGames announces their next game, whether it be another Wolfenstein game or an original property.

In another note, I'd like to see Rockstar do another stab at making a third Manhunt game. Second game sucked ass but the first wasn't half bad and considering all of the advancements they've made in terms of gameplay and visuals over the seventh and eighth gens, I'd say that series could use another one.
07/21/16 10:23PM
This might get long

Pastel-Daemon said:
Yeah, I think you can guess what this thread is about.
[And if it's been done before by all means just lemme know and I'll delete this haha]

I mean, personally I'd love to see the likes of Vagrant Story or Legend of Dragoon get revivals but my faith in squeenix's ability to deliver isn't...terribly high presently.

Vagrant Story was amazing! On the subject of Squeenix I'd love to see a The World Ends With You sequel. There were teasers for one a few years back but nothing seemed to happen. A decent TBS Front Mission would be good. And while we're on mechs it's unlikely what with Konami being what they are (FucKonami) but more Zone Of The Enders would be great. Oh and Viewtiful Joe 3 please Capcom. Child Of Eden 2 or something like COE was to Rez. Plus after No More Heroes 2 I want to see how Suda 51 could ramp up the crazy in NMH3. Also we've had enough Fire Emblem. Whens the next Advance Wars!?
07/21/16 10:23PM
Also, A game in my opinion that deserves a sequel is Darkest of Days.
07/21/16 10:24PM
crazyman said:
bioshock 2. seriously we need more bioshock

You've got the Infinite DLC, what more do you want? >:V

[I'm not even big on FPS but bioshock was a lot of fun...I haven't even gotten to play that DLC either.]

Imasuky said:
The Lunar series because there hasn't been anything since Lunar 2. Not a single one and that is a shame.

Okay I had to go look that one up and I THINK I've been confusing it with Lufia somehow all along.

....Shit, when was the last time there was a Grandia game, tho? Who was even responsible for those...


Also hell yes we need another TWEWY.

07/21/16 10:25PM
Sunset Overdrive. Hands down.
07/21/16 10:25PM
EdgeOfTheMoon said:
Plus after No More Heroes 2 I want to see how Suda 51 could ramp up the crazy in NMH3.

This too
07/21/16 10:27PM
DisasterDan said:

Ack! How could I forget! Yus. More JSR please. If for no other reason then to get a new OST out of it
07/21/16 10:27PM
Pastel-Daemon said:
Also hell yes we need another TWEWY.

That may be one of the most accurate things ever said by anyone.
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