07/22/16 05:21AM
07/22/16 05:23AM
I hope it's fake otherwise things are fucked for a lot of great stuff.
07/22/16 05:26AM
doesnt fair use cover that though?
07/22/16 05:48AM
Are we surprised that BS: The Official Company is BSing people again?
07/22/16 05:55AM
I'm guessing Nintendo did not watch The Lego Movie. smh
07/22/16 06:07AM
I'm assuming it's a hoax until more info comes out.

Besides, it's not like they can stop it from happening.
07/22/16 06:20AM
TheSpoon said:
Are we surprised that BS: The Official Company is BSing people again?

This would be where LTM would say "Triggered". And for once I think I'd agree with him.
07/22/16 08:19AM
Do they not know what the Streisand Effect is? People are just going to make more Nintendo porn because of it.
07/22/16 08:34AM
WhyWouldYouDoThat said:
Do they not know what the Streisand Effect is? People are just going to make more Nintendo porn because of it.

Holy shit, conspiracy theories activate. What if they know EXACTLY what they're going?
07/22/16 10:48AM
MilesHypnoPrower said:
Holy shit, conspiracy theories activate. What if they know EXACTLY what they're going?

Unlikely. I'll remind you of their youtube policy a year or two back. I think it's more that Nintendo (Japan) doesn't understand fair use, or free marketing for that matter.
07/22/16 11:01AM
TheKinkyFinn said:
Unlikely. I'll remind you of their youtube policy a year or two back. I think it's more that Nintendo (Japan) doesn't understand fair use, or free marketing for that matter.

Yeah, yeah, I know it's not likely. It's just a highly amusing conspiracy theory.
07/22/16 11:16AM
All I can think of is the people that will have the job to find "ALL the Nintendo Porn", I know if this is real it'd be an automated system, but the idea of "Porn finder" as a job is funny to me.
07/22/16 11:50AM
People can just tag Nintendo porn as something else... I know there's a site that gets away with Pokemon porn because they tag it as "Porkeyman", and HF gets away with pony porn by labelling it as "My Small Horsie."
07/22/16 01:12PM
I mean, if you want to ignore all the people pointing out why this is probably fake and that it has been faked before, then...
07/22/16 01:18PM
Mindwipe said:
I mean, if you want to ignore all the people pointing out why this is probably fake and that it has been faked before, then...

Well, considering their former YouTube policy I wouldn't put it past them. However, I have to agree.

I think Nintendo wouldn't pull this. Not after their YouTube policy fail. Heck, be surprised if they knew what a Tumblr is.
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