07/25/16 12:25AM
Waverun here. Just going to get straight to the point.

I accept it. I accept that I'm not any good at drawing yet.
I accept that my anatomy is completely off.
I accept that I'm stuck with my insecurities and my inability to follow through with any help from you that I don't find helpful at all.
I accept that it will take time for me to get to that level of "artistry" that you all are at.
I accept that you all have your own opinions and your own critiques.
I accept that you all find my work not nearly as close to yours in terms of "art" and "anatomy" .
I accept that even I have found my work to be disturbing to you all.
I accept that I only find my attempted work as what it is. Neither good nor bad, terrible or terrific, just something to share and give to you all to enjoy.
I accept that I'm not as dedicated and that I'll most likely only be drawing for you when this whole Hypnohub community thing comes to mind.
I accept that I haven't been 10 miles close to as kind to you all as you have been, or at least tried to be, to me.
I accept my desire to show the community, and even somehow from the inside, the world, that I'm worth anything at all.
I accept that I'm the one to blame for the breaking of any further kindness towards me.
I accept that I cannot please everyone.
I accept that I am easily, psychologically affected by even merely the typed words of someone else on an image site, a hypnosis-related image site nonetheless.
I accept if any of you can't stand me.
I accept if any of you can tolerate my presence no longer.
I accept if any of you wish for my departure, or if you wish for me to stay.
I accept if any of you just wish for me to get either better, or stop whining and deal with the way my art, style, anatomy and drawing is.
I accept if you all think I'm a crybaby.
I accept if I am no longer welcome here. If that be the case then it's been fun.
And last but not least, I accept that I am only human and cannot be the perfect person that any of you might possibly want me to be no matter how long it takes.
And with that... I'm sorry.
I'm sorry for everything you've had to go through because of me.
I'm sorry for putting you through so much frustration.
I'm sorry for refusing your help when I clearly had the chance to take it.
And I'm sorry if I'll only cause more burden and frustration upon you, you of unknown faces, with differentiating memories, experiences, opinions, and personalities.
I am truly sorry for all that I have done to you.
If you wish for me to leave, then it will be done.
If you wish for me to stay, then I will do so.
If you wish for me (if at all) to get better at what I'm trying to do for you, then I will try my best when I think of you and put you into mind.

I accept all that I am, all that I cannot be to or for you, all that I have DONE to you, all that I have selfishly requested of you, I am sorry for all that I have done that has brought pain and frustration towards me into your hearts; and whatever you want me to do now (except suicide), I will do it. Ask, and ye shall receive...
07/25/16 12:41AM
Basically just be more introspective of how you might be perceived by others and stop doing weird shit like e.g. uploading stuff that's not ready for prime-time, or making forum topics exactly like this one.
07/25/16 12:45AM
Wave, seriously, come talk to me tomorrow. We haven't properly talked in weeks, and you've got a lot on your mind. I think it's best if you just lay low for a while. There's a lot of friction going on, and I think it's best when you come back with some progress, and time for everyone to simmer. I'll still give my feedback, but it'd be a good idea if you kept a little quiet for a bit. If you feel you want to give up, I won't hold it against you, but I'd be a little sad. Just talk to me tomorrow, and we'll get this sorted, ok?

Guys, please don't give him an earful. He really doesn't need it right now.
07/25/16 12:47AM
Pinkanator said:
Wave, seriously, come talk to me tomorrow. We haven't properly talked in weeks, and you've got a lot on your mind. I think it's best if you just lay low for a while. There's a lot of friction going on, and I think it's best when you come back with some progress, and time for everyone to simmer. I'll still give my feedback, but it'd be a good idea if you kept a little quiet for a bit. If you feel you want to give up, I won't hold it against you, but I'd be a little sad. Just talk to me tomorrow, and we'll get this sorted, ok?

Guys, please don't give him an earful. He really doesn't need it right now.

Thank you.

You're not as crazy or "cancerous" or "trash" as you make yourself out to be, Pink.
07/25/16 01:04AM
If you don't have the commitment to get better [which you seem to be saying is the case] just stop. I'd say devote that energy to a past-time that suits you better but it hardly feels like you've expended any appreciable amount of effort to begin with so...*shruggg*

waverun said:
Thank you.

You're not as crazy or "cancerous" or "trash" as you make yourself out to be, Pink.

Pfft, you might not wanna refer to private stuff in a public space like that, just an fyi.
07/25/16 01:15AM
Pastel-Daemon said:
Pfft, you might not wanna refer to private stuff in a public space like that, just an fyi.

Eh, I don't care. Everyone knows I'm cancer.

You probably have a point though. I've always kind of wanted to draw, but I personally acfepted it wasn't my field, and kept at what I'm good at.

Knowing useless shit, being unfunny and overly critical. But if Waverun wants to keep at it, I'll have nothing but encouragement.
07/25/16 02:51AM
Got to deal with the mental issues first, man. Otherwise you'll continue to seek this destructive cycle.
07/25/16 04:18AM
My eyerolling is giving me an ahegao
07/25/16 04:22AM
first inb4 "git gud"
second, see if you can have it so that a few people check the art out before you upload it.
and third take some time off and practice, try changing the way you do things, you'll eventually find what you think is a better way to create things, and you will get better in the process.
07/25/16 05:12AM
Psi said:
My eyerolling is giving me an ahegao

thats my fetish? Kappa
07/25/16 05:30AM
Psi said:
My eyerolling is giving me an ahegao

This both made me laugh and excited me simultaneously.

anonplsno said:
thats my fetish? Kappa

Yup, Yup.
07/26/16 07:59PM
Oh my god this is actually WORSE than before

Psi said:
My eyerolling is giving me an ahegao

Same dude same
07/27/16 03:00AM
replying to your detractors with a self-deprecating "haha, woops, i suck, better never try again and leave forever" pity bait post like this doesn't help either. that's not what anyone wants to see. we want to see you do better and you clearly want to draw, or at least create something, it's just that there's a massive skill ceiling to drawing and it's understandably daunting if you haven't already been working at it for years. if you're that against the idea of working on your art, there's always the kisekae thread, it's a surprisingly decent program for creating pictures without any effort whatsoever. but if you're serious about being a good artist, work hard at it. make real, tangible progress and then come back and post it. it may not be everyone's cup of tea what with all the death and blood and stuff, but hey, i'm into incest and loli and i know not everyone's cool with that, you'll find an audience, i'm sure. other than that, i'm done handing out advice, man. you're on your own from this point.
07/27/16 04:13PM
ZeldaIsHot said:
You're equally as good a poet as you are an artist.

Zelda. Not a good time.
07/28/16 03:04AM
waverun said:
Waverun here. Just going to get straight to the point.

I accept it. I accept that I'm not any good at drawing yet.
I accept that my anatomy is completely off.
I accept that I'm stuck with my insecurities and my inability to follow through with any help from you that I don't find helpful at all.
I accept that it will take time for me to get to that level of "artistry" that you all are at.
I accept that you all have your own opinions and your own critiques.
I accept that you all find my work not nearly as close to yours in terms of "art" and "anatomy" .
I accept that even I have found my work to be disturbing to you all.
I accept that I only find my attempted work as what it is. Neither good nor bad, terrible or terrific, just something to share and give to you all to enjoy.
I accept that I'm not as dedicated and that I'll most likely only be drawing for you when this whole Hypnohub community thing comes to mind.
I accept that I haven't been 10 miles close to as kind to you all as you have been, or at least tried to be, to me.
I accept my desire to show the community, and even somehow from the inside, the world, that I'm worth anything at all.
I accept that I'm the one to blame for the breaking of any further kindness towards me.
I accept that I cannot please everyone.
I accept that I am easily, psychologically affected by even merely the typed words of someone else on an image site, a hypnosis-related image site nonetheless.
I accept if any of you can't stand me.
I accept if any of you can tolerate my presence no longer.
I accept if any of you wish for my departure, or if you wish for me to stay.
I accept if any of you just wish for me to get either better, or stop whining and deal with the way my art, style, anatomy and drawing is.
I accept if you all think I'm a crybaby.
I accept if I am no longer welcome here. If that be the case then it's been fun.
And last but not least, I accept that I am only human and cannot be the perfect person that any of you might possibly want me to be no matter how long it takes.
And with that... I'm sorry.
I'm sorry for everything you've had to go through because of me.
I'm sorry for putting you through so much frustration.
I'm sorry for refusing your help when I clearly had the chance to take it.
And I'm sorry if I'll only cause more burden and frustration upon you, you of unknown faces, with differentiating memories, experiences, opinions, and personalities.
I am truly sorry for all that I have done to you.
If you wish for me to leave, then it will be done.
If you wish for me to stay, then I will do so.
If you wish for me (if at all) to get better at what I'm trying to do for you, then I will try my best when I think of you and put you into mind.

I accept all that I am, all that I cannot be to or for you, all that I have DONE to you, all that I have selfishly requested of you, I am sorry for all that I have done that has brought pain and frustration towards me into your hearts; and whatever you want me to do now (except suicide), I will do it. Ask, and ye shall receive...

also quick note i find your manips are not that bad i enjoy seeing manips personaly :)
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