07/25/16 06:13PM
No More Haigure
At present, haigure is allowed on the site. Fine. However, the fact is, most people don't even know what it is, and it isn't obvious at first glance that it's anything even remotely hypno-related. Even among people who DO know what it is, many don't seem to like it, with most explanations I've seen describing it more or less as just a dated meme. The implication is pretty heavily that it was never really good, and should have died off a long time ago. ...and for some reason it's been flooding the site the past few days, with the result of causing confusion, annoyance, and squabbling between members over whether it needs to be flagged or not.

So, I'd like to move that no new pics of it be allowed. My suggestion is to "grandfather" in all the old haigure pics for whatever historical value they have. But, henceforth, the pose in itself would not be accepted as MC without some other indicator that meets site standards - in other words, that the pose would henceforth be treated as just a pose, and not given any special significance in its own right. All currently accepted haigure pics would be left alone, but all future ones would require additional context to be accepted (as in, context that does not only consist to - "it's this thing from that episode of the one show").

(Inb4 people complain about anyone expressing dislike of anything for any reason.)
07/25/16 06:19PM
While I hate Haigure and think it's stupid (Whitewash eyes fall in the same category) contextually in the universe it comes from, it IS MC. However stupid that MC is, it still has a place. Just do what I did and blacklist it. And then go watch D-Generation X wrestle on the WWE Network (For 9.99! :P ) and get the same pose, but much more badass and enjoyable. You're welcome.
07/25/16 06:45PM
Woah, woah.
"I don't like this stupid form of hypnosis so stop uploading it!!!"
First: ***Blacklists exist for a reason*** Add haigure to your blacklist and poof.
Second: it IS mind control. It's from a Shin Chan movie where an alien dude invades Earth with a raygun that converts people to haigure and infect others.
Third: "it's stupid and not sexy!!!!" Yeah because people clucking like chickens are something so intelligent, and girls devoured by snakes are sooo sexy. ... this is a fetish, it doesn't have to make sense or be actually erotic. I'm not a super fan either but some haigure pics are hot for me, and I don't go asking to take furry down simply because I dislike it, so respect the silly fetishes of others here.
07/25/16 07:03PM
I think the issue itself is how we had a massive flood of this one particular tag just clutter the front page for a day or two. While not much a fan of the tag at all, I seriously don't understand why you'd go so far as to try and suggest that we don't allow any more images of it here and not just blacklist...

Seriously tho, let's not discourage people from enjoying a particular (sub-)fetish on the site, and to not discourage artists *CoughPsiCough* from making work involving it...
07/25/16 07:26PM
let people like what they like
07/25/16 08:34PM
It's not my kink, but it is MC in its own continuity, and so has a place here. As RCBC says, we have had a flood in the last couple of days. The poster has been advised of, and acknowledged our bulk posting rules, and is kerbing their posting rate, so moving forward things won't be so overwhelming.

For me it's a curiosity, but then so is Kay, and bimnoification and there are fans for those as well. There are always blacklists
07/25/16 09:44PM
So hold on... let me see if I'm understanding this...

Haigure is okay because "It is *Technically* a form of MC" and "LUL IS JST A MEME BRO CLAM DONW" ? Because that's what I'm seeing here.

In which case I'd like to argue that Haigure is more body control than MC. I realize that a lot of people rope those two into the same category, but seeing as how whitewashing isn't allowed simply because the creator of "Da Rulez" didn't like it... I dunno. Just rubs me the wrong way since something that isn't REALLY MC takes precedent over something that is.

And if it's okay simply because it's a Meme... *ahem*


From now on I want to see only the RAREST of Hypno-Pepes on the Hub!

That will be all.
07/25/16 10:00PM
Whitewashing ? Are you referring to whitewashed eyes ? You mean those ? hypnohub.net/post?tags=whitewash_eyes+
07/25/16 10:04PM
Kayvaan said:
Whitewashing ? Are you referring to whitewashed eyes ? You mean those ? hypnohub.net/post?tags=whitewash_eyes+

I'm sorry, "Solid Color Eye Manips" are what the rules refer to them as, even though that's GENERALLY what one sees when looking for whitewash. So essentially no pure white/green/gold/pink/whatever eyes, even though that has been used as a sign of, at the very least, brainwashing and occasionally MC and Hypno content.

Either way, the rules say it's not allowed. Why? Because the maker of "Da Rulez" thinks it's "lazy". I don't disagree, but that doesn't make an image that uses "solid color eyes" any lower in quality in most cases.
07/25/16 10:07PM
Someone's got way too much salt in their diet.

At present, there's one user uploading a bunch of haigure pictures. A moderator has already asked them to stagger their uploads to allow other content on the front page, so blacklisting and moving on is the best course of action. They'll be done eventually, at which point you may never have to see haigure (or a blank space in the frontpage due to said haigure) for a long time.

Also body control tends to get lumped under MC a lot, including on this very website. There's a *ton* of content on here that'd strictly speaking fall under body control rather than MC, which is allowed to stay.

Whitewashed eyes aren't allowed because they're a low effort thing to do - I could take any given picture, use an eraser tool in freaking Paint, and call it a hypno-manip. At some point we got spammed with shit like that to a degree where there was practically nothing else on the entire site, so the mods decided to ban it.

Haigure tends to take more effort than that, so it's allowed to stay quality-wise.

From now on I want to see only the RAREST of Hypno-Pepes on the Hub!

Reductio ad absurdam. Nice one.
07/25/16 10:11PM
NamesAreForTheWeak said:
Someone's got way too much salt in their diet.

At present, there's one user uploading a bunch of haigure pictures. A moderator has already asked them to stagger their uploads to allow other content on the front page, so blacklisting and moving on is the best course of action.

Also body control tends to get lumped under MC a lot, including on this very website. There's a *ton* of content on here that'd strictly speaking fall under body control rather than MC, which is allowed to stay.

Reductio ad absurdam. Nice one.

My point is more that something that is generally used in MC is not allowed because the Admin don't like it, whereas this which is generally hated by many gets to stay because.. Novelty? I guess? Kinda BS in my eyes.

And I'm just generally a salty person, which is why I *usually* try not to comment here but sometimes I just feel that an argument needs to be made to point out a flaw.
07/25/16 10:16PM
Mindcollector13 said:
My point is more that something that is generally used in MC is not allowed because the Admin don't like it, whereas this which is generally hated by many gets to stay because.. Novelty? I guess? Kinda BS in my eyes.

And I'm just generally a salty person, which is why I *usually* try not to comment here but sometimes I just feel that an argument needs to be made to point out a flaw.

No. You're getting it wrong. Whitewash eyes are an actual indicator of low effort and quality - again, I can spend 5 seconds in Paint and spam the frontpage with about 60 whitewash/solid-color-eyes manips. That is why they're banned, not because some admin decided "Nope, don't like this trope. Banned." You'll notice plenty of things here that have a *lot* of people going "nopenopenope fuck this shit I'm out", but get to stay because there's no quality problems. Case in point, the nightmare_fuel tag exists.

Also haigure isn't "generally hated by many". You're biased because you personally dislike it. *Most* people are indifferent at worst.
07/25/16 10:19PM
NamesAreForTheWeak said:
No. You're getting it wrong. Whitewash eyes are an actual indicator of low effort and quality - again, I can spend 5 seconds in Paint and spam the frontpage with about 60 whitewash manips. That is why they're banned, not because some admin decided "Nope, don't like this trope. Banned."

Also haigure isn't "generally hated by many". You're biased because you personally dislike it.

Actually, if you look at MANY of the haigure images recently posted most have comments of disdain. Even some of the admin have said they dislike it but are leaving it because it's "technically MC" which is my issue with whitewashing. If "it's technically MC" is the reason Haigure is allowed, it should stand to reason that whitewashing be allowed.

It's kind of like if a grocery store sold mud pies because "people do eat them" (which people do, seriously) but didn't sell rice because "it's too easily obtainable", even though "people do eat" rice.

I would also like to say that I don't really have an issue with Haigure. I mean, do I find it attractive? No. Do I HATE it with all of my soul? No. It's simply there. I just feel that, at this point, it shouldn't really have a place here.
07/25/16 10:20PM
Mindcollector13 said:
whereas this which is generally hated by many

Seems pretty popular actually (somehow. Not a fan myself). And even if it wasn't does mean we should get rid of it? Tyranny of the majority. Should I ask that all futa gets banned because I don't think it's popular?
07/25/16 10:35PM
Mindcollector13 said:
Actually, if you look at MANY of the haigure images recently posted most have comments of disdain. Even some of the admin have said they dislike it but are leaving it because it's "technically MC" which is my issue with whitewashing. If "it's technically MC" is the reason Haigure is allowed, it should stand to reason that whitewashing be allowed.

I don't know which images you're talking about - certainly not the ones I'm looking at. The only theme I'm sensing is "Dude, why's there so much haigure lately?" which isn't so much a gripe about it being haigure as it is a gripe about spamming in general.

And no, that does not "stand to reason", because solid-color eyes were banned for an entirely different reason. We freaking *know* solid colored eyes are an indicator of MC. The problem with it is that there's a crapton of low-effort "look, I can use the eraser/draw-a-circle tool in Paint! Give me dem views!" 'art' out there, which led to banning it purely to avoid that flood of shit.

And no, that doesn't equate to "Admins don't like it so nyah".

Haigure, while disliked, doesn't have that kind of spammability.
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