07/26/16 01:53AM
Might be done making Manips
Might not. Not so sure. The last few I've made really aren't that good, and have been lacking any test (which is what I believe places manips under "fair use").
I'm not here to gain any sympathy. Just making a general announcement to anyone who might care to here it.
07/26/16 09:21AM
I'd say, take a break, let your muse regen some, then come back with renewed vigor. I'd hate to see you gone for good.
07/27/16 08:05AM
Yeah, I'd just take a break if I were you.

I mean...I'm on a break, as well.

You can't force yourself to make good manips when you really aren't feeling it at the moment. I know I can't, anyway. Breaks, even long ones, are great in that they give your imagination a rest. Eventually, you'll get hit by an idea and go "Aha! I have to manip this!"
07/27/16 04:17PM

Vanndril said:
Yeah, I'd just take a break if I were you.

I mean...I'm on a break, as well.

You can't force yourself to make good manips when you really aren't feeling it at the moment. I know I can't, anyway. Breaks, even long ones, are great in that they give your imagination a rest. Eventually, you'll get hit by an idea and go "Aha! I have to manip this!"

pokefannafekop said:
I'd say, take a break, let your muse regen some, then come back with renewed vigor. I'd hate to see you gone for good.

Thanks. I'll see if a break works.
07/28/16 08:24AM
You guys do know that we're talking about editing cartoon pictures into fetish porn, right

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