07/27/16 02:41AM
Overwatch Complaint Box
General complaints about the oh-so perfect Overwatch.

My main 2? Microtransactions and the obvious TF2 ripoffs. Both of these things annoy me to the point of sometimes actively avoiding playing the game because of how obnoxious they are. I know I'll catch a ton of heat for giving my honest opinion, but that's just the way it is. As a game in and of itself, it's pretty fun.
07/27/16 03:40AM
Personmang said:
General complaints about the oh-so perfect Overwatch.

My main 2? Microtransactions and the obvious TF2 ripoffs. Both of these things annoy me to the point of sometimes actively avoiding playing the game because of how obnoxious they are. I know I'll catch a ton of heat for giving my honest opinion, but that's just the way it is. As a game in and of itself, it's pretty fun.

Well all maps and characters are going to always be free so the only possible way you would spend money in-game would be out of sheer laziness, OR somebody is just so bad at the game, that they can't possibly level up consistently and get free boxes.

Also only 2 characters in the game are even remotely TF2 based, the medic and the engineer, thats it *shrugs*
07/27/16 03:48AM
Abe_Smith said:
Well all maps and characters are going to always be free so the only possible way you would spend money in-game would be out of sheer laziness, OR somebody is just so bad at the game, that they can't possibly level up consistently and get free boxes.

Also only 2 characters in the game are even remotely TF2 based, the medic and the engineer, thats it *shrugs*

It's still psychological warfare on the player.

...and sniper, and huntsman sniper, and demoman, and demoknight.
07/27/16 03:54AM
Personmang said:
It's still psychological warfare on the player.

...and sniper, and huntsman sniper, and demoman, and demoknight.

The snipers are pushing it, literally every class based game has a sniper of some kind. Also who the heck is the demoknight?
07/27/16 03:56AM
Abe_Smith said:
The snipers are pushing it, literally every class based game has a sniper of some kind. Also who the heck is the demoknight?

A Demoman with a Sword and Shield.
07/27/16 03:58AM
Pinkanator said:
A Demoman with a Sword and Shield.

Sorry phrased the question wrong, who in the OW roster is the demoknight? I have way to many hours into TF2 lol
07/27/16 04:08AM
Abe_Smith said:
Sorry phrased the question wrong, who in the OW roster is the demoknight? I have way to many hours into TF2 lol

Reinhardt. Basically fulfills the same purpose but with some defensive capability added on. But I mean, the sniper has charged shots based on scope time. C'mon.
07/27/16 04:09AM
Personmang said:
Reinhardt. Basically fulfills the same purpose but with some defensive capability added on. But I mean, the sniper has charged shots based on scope time. C'mon.

Yes because only one game is ever allowed to use a certain mechanic.
07/27/16 04:32AM
Imasuky said:
Yes because only one game is ever allowed to use a certain mechanic.

Not saying that, it's just so blatant in so many areas and lazy.
07/27/16 05:07AM
Personmang said:
Not saying that, it's just so blatant in so many areas and lazy.

Lazy?..... Ehhhh not really

The game that became Overwatch was being worked on for years and years secretly under the codename of a game that people thought was going to be Blizzards next big MMO. This knowledge had been know for almost 4 years. They didn't jerk this out over a single season like every COD

And on the other end, woopie 2-3 characters are kinda like TF2 ones, well you've got another like 19 that have nothing to do with TF2

Honestly if you are letting this bother you so much to the point of actively avoiding to play, then I'd recommend finding another game to play and to ignore it. Sorry that you wasted 40$
07/27/16 05:10AM
Also not every game can made up of completely original ideas that have never been seen before. It's a similar type of game so of course there is some overlap, But Overwatch has more different then it has the same.
07/27/16 05:20AM
Imasuky said:
Also not every game can made up of completely original ideas that have never been seen before. It's a similar type of game so of course there is some overlap, But Overwatch has more different then it has the same.

I'm not saying that. I'm saying it's enough to the point that it's bothersome.
Abe_Smith said:

And on the other end, woopie 2-3 characters are kinda like TF2 ones, well you've got another like 19 that have nothing to do with TF2

Again, there's a lot more than that.
07/27/16 05:21AM
Personmang said:
I'm not saying that. I'm saying it's enough to the point that it's bothersome.Again, there's a lot more than that.

Dude just uninstall the game and take a nap or something, honestly....
07/27/16 05:42AM
Abe_Smith said:

And on the other end, woopie 2-3 characters are kinda like TF2 ones, well you've got another like 19 that have nothing to do with TF2


>rocket launcher class based on air travel and upward mobility
>so basically just waifu soldier

>light speed based class with a focus on general mobility
>basically waifu scout

>high damage output tank class with a minigun that has to slow down/stop to use it
>robot heavy/sentry

>bow and arrow guy
>husbando-bait huntsman sniper

>explosive based class with traps and a grenade launcher with rounds that arc and explode on hit
>literally just demoman

>best girl who has a short range weapon that has the ability to halt a player's movement because hey, stopping people from playing the game with no risk to yourself is fun, right?
>pyro but with ice

>come the fuck on
>could not be trying harder to be engineer

>a sniper who also has access to a machine gun style attack in case they're caught in close range combat
>yeah it's the fucking sniper

>tanky melee based class with a bullshit charge attack that crosses the entire fucking map and deals massive damage
>so basically demoknight

>long range healing by hitting your teammates
>crusader's crossbow medic except she has some bullshit sleep darts because hey, MAKING PEOPLE UNABLE TO PLAY THE GAME IS FUN

>creates a buff that boosts his own as well as nearby teammates health and speed
>concheror soldier

>healing class who takes easily one of tf2's most creative and unique weapon designs and just mixes the effects of different medi-guns
>so yeah the fucking medic

>support class who creates small sentries and teleporters
>basically gunslinger engineer

2-3 doesn't even fucking come close to cutting it.
07/27/16 05:44AM
Even I disagree with a lot of the above
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