07/27/16 07:08AM
Idiotic Questions
Ever have a random question pop into your head that you know was stupid and has no real answer well then post it here.

Is it considered cannibalism to chew your own fingernails, Because when you think about it you are eating a part of your own body.
07/27/16 07:09AM
Imasuky said:
Ever have a random question pop into your head that you know was stupid and has no real answer well then post it here.

Is it considered cannibalism to chew your own fingernails, Because when you think about it you are eating a part of your own body.

I'd call it suicide

(not that suicide is funny or anything..) xD

07/27/16 07:09AM
Why did Pikachu used to be so goddamn fat?
07/27/16 07:14AM
Yuu-chan said:
Why did Pikachu used to be so goddamn fat?

because people found chubbiness cute in animals
07/27/16 07:21AM
I sometimes wonder what it would be like to have sex with myself, as in the bending around or whatever position is needed.
07/27/16 07:23AM
How did you pronounce my dumb name? XP
07/27/16 07:30AM
Myuk said:
How did you pronounce my dumb name? XP

That makes me think how is my name said Imasuky Lomae?
07/27/16 07:59AM
How do you get catatonic from a cat and tonic?
07/27/16 08:18AM
If I went to the far future and had sex with my great great great great great great great great great great great grand daughter, what are the chances of our children getting inbred birth defects?
07/27/16 09:30AM
Why does 2+2=fish?
07/27/16 09:42AM
skibidibap said:
If I went to the far future and had sex with my great great great great great great great great great great great grand daughter, what are the chances of our children getting inbred birth defects?

The effects of inbreeding are typically overblown,So I bet that by that point it would be far enough down that there would be no issues.
07/27/16 09:49AM
Anon_3.141 said:
Why does 2+2=fish?

Because cosmo
07/27/16 09:53AM
Behold, the stupidest question ever asked: I once asked a friend what nationality he thought the 'pirate' accent came from. Apparently, whatever synapse caused me to posit this query conveniently skipped over the section of my brain that knew every 'arr, matey' pirate I've ever heard spoke...well, English. So this runaway train of thought became somehow convinced that the pirate accent found origin in some non-English-speaking European country. Trust me, it bruised my brain just as much to type out this paragraph as it did yours for reading it.
07/27/16 10:11AM
I once asked on a science forum to an astronaut about what did he do when he got nose itch and he answered me xD.
07/27/16 11:29AM
skibidibap said:
If I went to the far future and had sex with my great great great great great great great great great great great grand daughter, what are the chances of our children getting inbred birth defects?

Seeing as you'd have provided rougly 1/8000 (1/(2^13)) of her genes, I'd say about the same as children of genetic strangers would have.
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