07/27/16 08:33PM
CYOA - Shed Adventures
Hey all, Dreamshed here.

So, spinning off of the other thread about this CYOA, I'd like to start a more standard CYOA of <<imgur.com/gallery/1R13E|this prompt>>.

The only caveat I have is that I will not do a full-furry setting. Furry is not one of my fetishes, and I wouldn't be able to write a good story for it.

With that, the introduction is over. If you're interested, take a look at the prompt, and post your choices for the initial options.

Character Mode:
Tech Level:
Magic Level:
Psionic Level:
Superpower Level:
Furry Level:
Character Type:

Hope to see you guys around, and, as always, don't forget to take your Joy!
07/27/16 08:49PM
Dammit, now I have to read that post again to find things.

Mode: Mind War
Character Mode: Big Damn You
Tech Level: Muskets of Modernity
Magic Level: Advanced Arcana
Psionic Level: Mentalist Mania
Superpower Level: Metahuman Mayhem
Furry Level: Mix and Match
Tone: Medium
Character Type: Reincarnation Plus

As is my general belief, max settings are best settings.

Dreamshade said:
don't forget to take your Joy!

Its amazing that it took a day for me to see this said here.

Also, who's TARDIS is it?
07/27/16 09:15PM
Dreamshade said:
Hope to see you guys around, and, as always, don't forget to take your Joy!

07/27/16 09:21PM
Mind War (normal)
Mary Sue
Tech of Tomorrow (Androids Recent innovation)
Advanced Arcana
Quiet Cortex (I'll have Psionics tho pls.)
Superhuman Start
Mix and Match (Furries part of society)
Tone: Light
Reincarnation+ (Anthropomorphic Dragon who worked as a Quantum Physicist)
Crazy Rich (Rich II; 2 points)
Shapeshift II (The 4 points one)
Iron Will (2 points)
Irresistible (2 points)
3 CP in Tech.
3 CP in Psionics

Also, what about the 3 bonus points the post says we get?
07/27/16 10:21PM
Mode: Mind War (Normal)
Character Mode: Big Damn You
Tech Level: Peasants and Princesses (Love that kind of stuff)
Magic Level: Advanced Arcana (Why not? Magic is fun. :P )
Psionic Level: Twinge of Telepathy ( I may or may not have it, but, if magic exists, why not this?)
Superpower Level: Naive Normalcy. (Not big on mixing Superpowers and Swords.)
Furry Level: Mix and Match (They have their own civilizations.)
Tone: Medium (The world is what you make it)
Character Type:


(Specific Details are Not determined, yet.)
07/28/16 04:44AM
Apparently everyone who wants to do this (except Dreamshade) want furry as a part of the game, and have begrudgingly picked the 2nd setting for it...
07/28/16 04:55AM
Anon_3.141 said:
Apparently everyone who wants to do this (except Dreamshade) want furry as a part of the game, and have begrudgingly picked the 2nd setting for it...

I only said that I wouldn't do a full-furry setting (everyone is a furry). I'm fine with the Mix and Match option.

That said, I realized that the image is probably too huge for everyone to look at at once, so I went into Photoshop and <<imgur.com/gallery/1R13E|brutally chopped it into bits>>.

07/28/16 04:58AM
Mode: Falcon Quest
Character Mode: Joe Average
Tech Level: Tech of Tomorrow (androids are rare for this one)
Magic Level: Mystical Mysteries
Psionic Level: The Quiet Cortex
Superpower Level: Naive Normalcy (not that much into brainwashed superheroes)
Furry Level: Mix and Match (misinterpreted what you meant)
Tone: Medium-Bright (happy, but with a little dirt)
Character Type: Reincarnation

I'll keep it at that right now. If I can't think of anything else to spend my normal points on, lower my character mode by one.
07/28/16 05:09AM
Dreamshade said:
Furry is not one of my fetishes

Dreamshade said:
(everyone is a furry).

Contradictory statements... You're lucky I'm not an AI, or else I would've been exploded from the paradox there.
07/28/16 05:13AM
Anon_3.141 said:
Contradictory statements... You're lucky I'm not an AI, or else I would've been exploded from the paradox there.

It was not a contradiction. The parenthesized statement was a clarification of what "full-furry" meant. i.e. a "full-furry" setting is one in which every character is a furry.
07/28/16 06:07AM
Mode: Mind War
Character Mode: Joe Average
Tech Level: Atoms and Adverts
Magic Level: Mystical Mysteries
Psionic Level: The Quiet Cortex
Superpower Level: Naive Normalcy
Furry Level: Simply Skin
Tone: Medium
Character Type: Reincarnation
07/28/16 06:10AM
Tbh I just wanna watch a game. Never done one of these before so I wanna see first to get the gist of it.
07/28/16 06:43AM
So are these going to be one-on-one rps, a single rp with a bunch of people based on the most popular choices, or...?

I'm fine with both, but I would prefer the former. If the latter turns out to be the case, anyone want to do my game with me?
07/28/16 06:44AM
So, are you going to set it up as a sort of "Parallel universes that can interact with one another and eventually connect in some wacky way" story, or "Separate stories that eventually converge" story (given the differing setting choices)? Or will you average out the world settings choices from everyone's character submissions?
07/28/16 07:30AM
Alright, the tally for the setting choices is as follows:

Mode: Mind War (4)
Character Mode: Big Damn You (2.5)
Tech Level: Tech of Tomorrow (2)
Magic Level: Advanced Arcana (3)
Psionic Level: The Quiet Cortex (3)
Superpower Level: Naive Normalcy (3)
Furry Level: Mix and Match (4)
Tone: Medium (4)
Tone: Reincarnation (3)

You live in the near future, where mankind has advanced its technology to the next level. Virtual Reality has become the primary technology interface, and most everyone has a means of connecting themselves to their devices. The first AIs achieved sentience a few years ago, and sentient androids have been slowly proliferating since then. You don't see them every day, but on occasion you'll find one in the major cities.

Magic is a science as well, with some countries being long-established magocracies. The elven kingdoms in particular have traditions of magical rulers. The magical and technological worlds initially came into conflict, but over the centuries, they have reconciled their differences, and now magic is a science just as much as physics or chemistry, with mages producing their supernatural effects through a combination of rigorous calculation and raw talent.

You are a citizen of one of the larger countries, with higher potential than most others you've met.

You have 6 Control Points and 7 Trait Points. How do you wish to spend them?

Anon_3.141 said:
So, are you going to set it up as a sort of "Parallel universes that can interact with one another and eventually connect in some wacky way" story, or "Separate stories that eventually converge" story (given the differing setting choices)? Or will you average out the world settings choices from everyone's character submissions?

muffinmuffler said:
So are these going to be one-on-one rps, a single rp with a bunch of people based on the most popular choices, or...?

I'm fine with both, but I would prefer the former. If the latter turns out to be the case, anyone want to do my game with me?

Majority rules, mostly. I can't run seven RPs at once (and don't really have the motivation to). If you've ever seen a CYOA on one of the chans or hypnopics, you'll know how these usually go.
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