07/27/16 08:57PM
Underrated Crossover Pairings?
Something a friend of mine brought that I thought would make for an interesting. While I have an opinion on the subject, my friends answer was more interesting.
*Through Clear*

"I never understood why in Naruto - Fairy Tail, Naruto is almost always REQUIRED to get with Erza as the main pairing. Honestly, I think a lot of the other female characters would have just as much if not more chemistry with Naruto.

Naruto and Lucy have many of the same qualities that makes NarutoxSakura a popular pairing (Like, let's say the thick-headed hero and the level-headed heroine; The front force fighter and the supported, etc.)

Naruto and Mirajane are both very polite people whom secretly house figurative and literal inner demons. They're also both masters of disguise despite appearing to be anything but.

Naruto and Juvia: Naruto likes making miserable people happy. Juvia was miserable throughout a lot of her life. In canon, when Grey lifted that misery she stuck to him like... well water to ice. So she'd probably react the same to Naruto. (How could Naruto tch her? Because Nine-Tails/Magic/Plot McGuffin)

Naruto and Levy: My personal favorite of these pairings. What I said about Lucy can also apply here - I just prefer Levy I guess."

That's better than anything I had to offer... Sadly.
07/28/16 12:42AM
Only Lucy makes a lick of sense out of those. The rest are very off-the-wall.
07/28/16 04:49AM
Non-sexual pairing, but these two would make excellent partners in crime:

Chara + Not Important. The world would be truly fucked.
07/28/16 04:58AM
Slenderman and a guy at a coffee shop. I really like the concept of the horrible monster being a regular guy, and Slenderman is sort of the perfect fit. Creepy, but not completely horrifying. I seriously want like, a comic of Slenderman and some guy just talking in a coffee shop.
07/28/16 04:59AM
ElisaSky said:
Non-sexual pairing, but these two would make excellent partners in crime:

Chara + Not Important. The world would be truly fucked.

What about Chara + The Batter?
07/28/16 05:31AM
Elsa and jack frost :P

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