07/29/16 04:33AM
EY! We back!
Well that was annoying. Understandable, sure, I don't want the site to just die. But next time, give me a little warning? (note: there probably was a warning, which I was too dumb to see).

Why do people say thanks for your patience, anyway? I wasn't being patient at all! I just couldn't do anything about it. Unless Vann magically lives right next to me, so I can whack him with a newspaper

Tl;Dr, good to be back.
07/29/16 04:35AM
Pinkanator said:
Well that was annoying. Understandable, sure, I don't want the site to just die. But next time, give me a little warning? (note: there probably was a warning, which I was too dumb to see).

Why do people say thanks for your patience, anyway? I wasn't being patient at all! I just couldn't do anything about it. Unless Vann magically lives right next to me, so I can whack him with a newspaper

Tl;Dr, good to be back.

I was responding to your DMail when the site went down xD
07/29/16 04:38AM
Was it maintenance or something else?
07/29/16 04:41AM
Contorted said:
Was it maintenance or something else?

Something to do with the server power. I try not to pretend to understand it. If it was important enough to take down the site, then I trust the admins that it was nessicary.
07/29/16 04:51AM
I think it was caused by whoever hosts the site, i.e. the admins had no control. It happened to a couple other boorus I lurk, too.
07/29/16 04:53AM
Contorted said:
Was it maintenance or something else?

plsignore said:
I think it was caused by whoever hosts the site, i.e. the admins had no control. It happened to a couple other boorus I lurk, too.
07/29/16 04:58AM

Ah! There's the warning I was looking for. I blame posting a response marking everything as read. Gotcha Mindwipe, I'll look out next time. May want to have a more clickbaity title though. Seems a little weird to let it get lost in the crowd, but what do I know, eh?

Still unsure why I said it'd go down at midnight, yet went roughly 11:30 XP
07/29/16 05:09AM
Okay so when I try to go straight to, or, it gives me a 404, but when I go to, it works just fine and I can get to the posts just fine. Anyone want to explain that one?
07/29/16 05:13AM
dkx45 said:
Okay so when I try to go straight to, or, it gives me a 404, but when I go to, it works just fine and I can get to the posts just fine. Anyone want to explain that one?

have you tried deleting your cookies?
07/29/16 05:20AM
plsignore said:
have you tried deleting your cookies?

Yep, that worked, thanks. just mad at myself that i didnt think of it
07/29/16 07:24AM

Can't believe I missed that. Thank you.
07/29/16 11:58AM
I think the issue we have is that locked topics appear right at the top of the forum, and most people don't tend to check up there.

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