07/30/16 12:10AM
The fine line between joking, shitposting, and bullying.
Deliberated on making this, but I thought I'd ask anyway. PLEASE TRY TO KEEP THIS THREAD CALM. I want to know where people stand on the matter, where you think the line should be, and if it should ever be crossed.

Personally, I assume that everything is a joke on the internet, until it is specified, and pick up on indicators of silliness in statements. I'm not trying to be passive-aggressive here, by the way. I do however, understand that a lot of people don't think like me, and take offense to these things. In these cases, I personally believe that one should be able to laugh at one's self above anything else. However, mixed with depression, this may be cause for my low self worth. I also believe that there should be some consideration taken with context, but a lot of people have much different views to me, and I'm usually wrong most of the time. I definitely believe that things can go too far however, and I try to avoid that. It seems I have sometimes been unsuccessful in this, and I'd likely anger you by saying I'm trying my best. In all honesty, I refuse to straight up stop? I am making a strong effort to simmer things down, however, and if I need to step back in line, let me know at once. But I can't just fully stop. Jokes are what keep me going, and if I have to take things seriously, I go nuts. But I know that I've gone to far a number of times, and as I said, have been trying to simmer down a little.

But where do your thoughts lie? What is too far? When is it appropriate? It should be both interesting and informative. I want to better myself, and the community, and I HOPE this will help set a clearer stance on things.

But again, PLEASE KEEP THIS CIVIL. I don't want a flame war on my hands. And mods, if this needs to go down, let me know. I'll understand.
07/30/16 12:15AM
Going to throw in my words before anything happens over here, but I'm not really sure if this thread is wise. I guess only time will tell. As for my opinion, my life is lead almost entirely on passive apathy, so I struggle to take offense at pretty much anything.
07/30/16 12:21AM
JksAccount said:
Going to throw in my words before anything happens over here, but I'm not really sure if this thread is wise. I guess only time will tell. As for my opinion, my life is lead almost entirely on passive apathy, so I struggle to take offense at pretty much anything.

I sincerely hope this doesn't descend into chaos, but I can easily see it going that way. It was just something I needed to ask, after things simmered down.
07/30/16 12:29AM
JksAccount said:
my life is lead almost entirely on passive apathy, so I struggle to take offense at pretty much anything.

I'm kinda similar to this, honestly. When I get mad, nothing good ever happens and I usually make an ass outta myself, so I just stay calm and (like you, Pink) just kinda assume that everything is a joke until stated otherwise. It's really hard for me to actually take offense to anything on the Internet.
07/30/16 12:43AM
Last night I was the target of some serious blackmail, so this is a terrible time for me to try and answer this, but I'll be honest anyway.

It's fun to mess with people online, and I love shitposting, but if I think something's going too far, I'll point it out, and that's about it
07/30/16 12:49AM
TheSpoon said:
Last night I was the target of some serious blackmail, so this is a terrible time for me to try and answer this, but I'll be honest anyway.

Hold up, what?
07/30/16 12:50AM

Only things I'll tell ya off the top my head:

>Don't make jokes about people that aren't your friends
This isn't my way of saying to never ever make any kind of joke about anyone else you're not close enough with, but I only say that in regards to two pervious cases: One involving Ara that I understood was meant to be where "it's just me being overly sarcastic" in terms of humor (which I'm not bringing up to restart that whole shitshow, just an example where I think you coulda just avoided it completely...). Other one though involved my trip to Japan, and how when I mentioned that I was going to the Parasite Museum, you decided to take a jab at LTM and how I'd probably see him there. Granted the guy's toxic as fuck and I'm fine with him being removed from here, but I don't see how he's a "parasite" just cause he's a completely asshat, and I find it kinda lousy to talk shit about him when he's not around here any more.

>Don't make jokes or try to be funny when it's really not the time/place
I get it, you wanna lighten the mood when shit hits the fan. Nothing entirely wrong with that, but really, sometimes I think you're just better off sticking your nose outta the more serious topics with pointless comments that really aren't fitting the mood. Like when I got really personal one time in a shitty thread, ya throw this nonsense in: "My response: fuck it, I'm a sub." Meanwhile everyone else is saying the thread should get deleted with it going nowhere or trying to make a valid point against the argument put forth.

That's all I'll say for now. Everything's a buncha sensitive topics from this recent month/past few weeks alone it seems, but given how ya wanted feedback, well, that's what I got for ya...
07/30/16 12:51AM
I have never been a fan of shitposting.
07/30/16 12:52AM
What ever happened to "sticks and stones can break my bones but words can never hurt me"? Kids these days are too wimpy. Just report people who are jackasses and move on. Don't take things so seriously.
07/30/16 12:54AM
WhyWouldYouDoThat said:
What ever happened to "sticks and stones can break my bones but words can never hurt me"?

That phrase has always been bullshit.
07/30/16 12:55AM
RedCollarBlackCollar said:

Thanks for being honest and calm.
You're totally right though, and these are things I need to take into heavy consideration in future. Your second point is something I'm trying to work on. Thankfully much to try it on, but if shit hits the fan again, I'll keep out of it if I've got nothing to say, and it's getting SUPER heated.
07/30/16 12:57AM
Mindwipe said:
That phrase has always been bullshit.

To be fair, "sticks and stones may break my bones but words are a less effective weapon in most cases but can occasionally have a profound psychological impact" is a much less catchy saying.
07/30/16 12:57AM
Mindwipe said:
That phrase has always been bullshit.

I'm kind of going to have to agree with you, there. There are some things that will straight up send me into rage. Particularly anything involving my sister, but that's off topic.
07/30/16 01:02AM
Pinkanator said:
Thanks for being honest and calm.
You're totally right though, and these are things I need to take into heavy consideration in future. Your second point is something I'm trying to work on. Thankfully much to try it on, but if shit hits the fan again, I'll keep out of it if I've got nothing to say, and it's getting SUPER heated.

I don't enjoy calling people out, but like I've done with Wave, I don't want you going back on your word.

This isn't me putting forth ridiculous expectations where you have to be perfect and never make a mistake; I'm only going to say that I just don't want you to give myself and others here empty words about how you'll try and improve yourself, yet nothing changes in the future after all the feedback we give ya... ._____.
07/30/16 01:05AM
RedCollarBlackCollar said:
I don't enjoy calling people out, but like I've done with Wave, I don't want you going back on your word.

This isn't me putting forth ridiculous expectations where you have to be perfect and never make a mistake; I'm only going to say that I just don't want you to give myself and others here empty words about how you'll try and improve yourself, yet nothing changes in the future after all the feedback we give ya... ._____.

Yeah, I gotcha.

If you think I'm out of line, Dm me. If I have a problem then, we can discuss it privately, but more often than not, I'll think about what I wrote, and realize my mistake.
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