07/30/16 01:21AM
How many of us...?
Okay so I randomly had this thought and am getting more curious as my day goes along.
How many of us here on the good ol' Hub are actively into hypnosis in some way? Meaning, have you ever been hypnotized, are you a hypnotist, both perhaps? Time frame isn't relevant, I think. I'm just really curious for the demographics here.

To answer my own question, I am a hypnotist exclusively with my S.O. right now, but one day we may get her to bring me under.
07/30/16 01:23AM
*Raises hand*

I trance with Waverun every chance I get, sleep with files on loop, will just fade out for fun, waiting on Pokemongirl to get back, and hoping Anonplzno isn't feeling too sleepy.
07/30/16 01:50AM
Was a subject for the person that tipped me off about some of my art winding up here for a while, didn't work out in the end.

Occasionally do things with zyii and someone else, but I don't think I'm very easy to actually put under. :x
07/30/16 01:56AM
i just roleplay, does that count?
07/30/16 02:04AM
I've done a course in therapeutic hypnosis and have worked with a few people as both subject and hypnotist.

Haven't done much for a while, but I keep the knowledge.
07/30/16 02:29AM
I've experimented before. I like the sensations and altered perceptions,
07/30/16 02:46AM
The concept interests me, but I've never managed to become hypnotised by anything, despite my efforts. I suppose I'm just not very good at not thinking...
07/30/16 02:55AM
JksAccount said:
The concept interests me, but I've never managed to become hypnotised by anything, despite my efforts. I suppose I'm just not very good at not thinking...

i feel you
07/30/16 03:01AM
JksAccount said:
The concept interests me, but I've never managed to become hypnotised by anything, despite my efforts. I suppose I'm just not very good at not thinking...

It's why I go under. Having everything stop in my head, left with the pure bliss of obedience is such an indescribable pleasure. Hell, I practically NEED it now that I'm into it. I can only recommend finding an audio file you like, and practicing. Just follow along, until you get into the groove.
07/30/16 03:44AM
JksAccount said:
The concept interests me, but I've never managed to become hypnotised by anything, despite my efforts. I suppose I'm just not very good at not thinking...

This. I've pretty much given up on trying to get hypnotized.
07/30/16 03:47AM
I've hypnotized a person or two. Freaked them out.
07/30/16 04:00AM
Pinkanator said:
*Raises hand*

I trance with Waverun every chance I get, sleep with files on loop, will just fade out for fun, waiting on Pokemongirl to get back, and hoping Anonplzno isn't feeling too sleepy.

What kind of files do you listen on loop? If you dont mind me asking of course.

Perhaps we can trade files?
07/30/16 05:03AM
I and my g/f have done some light trancework as part of our other play, but nothing heavy
07/30/16 06:14AM
JksAccount said:
The concept interests me, but I've never managed to become hypnotised by anything, despite my efforts. I suppose I'm just not very good at not thinking...

Have you ever heard of a confusion induction, they are designed to work on people who think too much, or have a hard time not questioning the hypnotist. You might need a second person for this (unless you got a really good imagination, or maybe a file can do this). Basically as you're starting up, you just have the hypnotist give you a bunch of random simple tasks, like opening and closing doors, moving books from one table to another, etc. The physical tasks should add another layer to the induction.

As for my experiences, I generally use autohypnosis or files, when I do put my mind to it, it allows me to go back to bed (when I wake up, I can't go back to bed any other way), other times I just chill, I've managed to make my entire body feel like lead once, and I've also managed to completely zone out for prolonged periods of time. I've yet to have any bad experiences.
07/30/16 07:14AM
I've done my fair share of actual hypnosis, though I'm rusty of late. I'd like to be able to go under, but it's difficult for me, and I'm never all the way under.
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