07/31/16 01:31AM
Your Monstergirl/guy Harem!
Ok everyone I've been wondering, if you could be like Kimihito in Monster Musume, what would you like your harem of pining monster girls or guys be? Let me know if you feel so inclined. Going to go ahead and limit to seven girls. Don't want to overload your theoretical house do we?

My girls would be:
1) Succubus: She has problems with authority. She came to the human world basically to do traditional succubus things but she was pretty much like "Fuck that!" and just decided to go against the norms and just have fun. That isn't to say she doesn't have hypnotic abilities and lust magic. Oh no she still has that! She gets assiagned to me and finds I'm the perfect guy to really get back at her family, but she grows to like me and can't bring herself to really suck out my soul....that would be no fun.

2) Lamia: Wants very much to hypnotize me and keep me as her own but feels a rivalry with the succubus as she would rather just love me. She'd have black scales and wear her tribal clothing as her race of lamia are more feral living in jungles and such away from civilization, kinda amazonian.

3) Siren: She wants to be a pop singer, but doesn't like cheating. She has a traditionally beautiful voice for a siren but is trying to find ways to get rid of the magic that comes with it.

4)Neko: Very ditzy but very proud of her natural sexiness being a cat. Always flirty but something always messes it up...mostly her own clumsiness.

5)Aluraune: She'd mostly be rooted in place in a large garden area but can detatch herself for short periods. Very loving of nature and always looing ot create new attractive scents to entice me.

6)Kitsune: The quiet reclusive one mostly concerned with other things in her life, but she has a mischievous playful side. Always willing to play tricks and catch me with some unexpected illusion.

7)Ignis: she is a fire elemental looking for a human to bond with. She needs someone to be her master, and I offer to keep her around but not to be her master, she takes this as a challenge and constantly tries to prove herself but doing increasingly crazy things.

Well there we go, there's mine. What ave you all got? If you need a little help deciding the monster girl encyclopedia wiki is always a good place to go!
07/31/16 01:36AM
I'd rather just be a monstergirl tbh [but then, I also think the harem format is trash and would rather just go the free love route]

07/31/16 01:47AM
Pastel-Daemon said:
I'd rather just be a monstergirl tbh [but then, I also think the harem format is trash and would rather just go the free love route]

MM I appreciate for having a protagonist that's actually reliable when it comes to doing any sorta particular "housework," be it cooking from scratch, sewing together new/modified clothing, etc., rather than the generic protagonist that's simply just "a nice guy" (I'm still looking at you Rito...) =____= Essentially he's imo like the best kinda guy to look out for the other characters, seeing as they're from all over the place and totally unfamiliar with Japanese society. One of the few exceptions I'd argue, but yeah, this is me defending a genre even I've read for years that I've come to have issues with now...

Anyway, while wouldn't have a harem of my own, personally a fan of spidergirls. League of Legends I main Elise, and the game had honestly made me come to love taking pictures of spiders irl :0
07/31/16 03:53AM
The ghost girl Kana. Harem of one.
07/31/16 04:21AM
1. Lamia
2. Slime
3. Succubus
4. Aluraune
5. Catgirl (does that count?)
6. Zombie
7. Vampire

In no particular order.
07/31/16 01:15PM
NinjaW said:
The ghost girl Kana. Harem of one.

As in My Lovely Ghost Kana? If so, good choice. :Dc

07/31/16 01:18PM
The d&d monster manual is what I need for a monster girl harem, and some Japanese yokai to add to that. I'll mainly go for an oni, a rokuro-kubi, and a Yuki-On-Na, along with either a zombie girl or Jiangshi. Also will add in a Bunnygirl, a female drow to spice things up a bit, and a lamia because snek.
08/01/16 06:38AM
Dragongirls. An army of deliciously sexy dragongirls.

mariosonicfan said:
Going to go ahead and limit to seven girls.


Okay, six dragon girls...

...and one shapeshifter. :3
08/01/16 07:01AM
Vanndril said:
Dragongirls. An army of deliciously sexy dragongirls.

Looks like I'm not the only one. :3
08/01/16 07:03AM
DrgnmastrAlex said:
Looks like I'm not the only one. :3

Indeed you are not. :3
08/01/16 07:06AM : the one that's crazy devoted to me, like a samurai to her shogun. can and WILL watch over me as i sleep, never displays emotions or take off the mask. uses flash step to humorous effect : the mom friend. southern charm at its sweetest. the ditz. inhumanly strong but doesnt seem to comprehend it : the horny one, always trying to get into my pants via hypnosis
Neko: the horny cuddler. has no concept of personal space and is very proud of her bust.
08/01/16 07:13AM
Can I pick a specific monster girl?
08/01/16 10:34AM
I'd have a Catgirl (Duh) who'd sit by my side, being my cute little hypno-kitty, leading the harem with me.

I'd also have a Kitsune, for extra fluff :3

I'd keep a Dragon girl on hand, as they are indeed quite sexy.

And uh....
Well, I'm pretty simple as far as monster girls go, huh?
08/03/16 04:16PM
Pastel-Daemon said:
As in My Lovely Ghost Kana? If so, good choice. :Dc

Yes. That one.

[spoilers]WELCOME HOME, KANA![/spoilers]
08/03/16 10:14PM
Vanndril said:
...and one shapeshifter. :3

Fuck that, all shapeshifters. That might help keep things interesting around the house if nothing else.
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