07/31/16 05:21PM
That feel when you have an awesome idea for an MC story but you're a shitty writer.
Feels bad man :(

I totally had the most awesome, if possibly a bit squicky to some people, idea for a story involving MC.... but I'm just not a good enough writer to do it justice, I think.

Anyone else have this problem?
07/31/16 05:24PM
My issue is getting crippling writer's block, having an idea and knowing that I can write it but just not getting my muse to let me work.
07/31/16 05:43PM
Never with an MC story specifically, but just with writing in general. I have a friend who likes to write, and while he encourages me, I feel I lack the talent.
07/31/16 05:48PM
I have soooooo many ideas, but dear God do I lack the drive and confidence to do so. I actually did well when it came to writing back in high school (one of the last projects I completed was writing a historical fiction story and I got a pretty high grade on it) but I don't why I have done any more.
07/31/16 07:56PM
Imasuky said:
My issue is getting crippling writer's block, having an idea and knowing that I can write it but just not getting my muse to let me work.

Contorted said:
I have soooooo many ideas, but dear God do I lack the drive and confidence to do so. I actually did well when it came to writing back in high school (one of the last projects I completed was writing a historical fiction story and I got a pretty high grade on it) but I don't why I have done any more.

I know the feeling; I wrote a story back in high school that spanned over 180 pages, but everything changed when the fire nat- I mean; until I got hit with a severe bout of depression. Since then, I threw all 180+ pages away, and have been stuck in limbo ever since. Writers block has got to be one of the worst things an artist can be stricken with.
07/31/16 10:50PM
WhyWouldYouDoThat said:
Feels bad man :(

I totally had the most awesome, if possibly a bit squicky to some people, idea for a story involving MC.... but I'm just not a good enough writer to do it justice, I think.

Anyone else have this problem?

How are we supposed to determine whether or not you're a good writer if you don't post anything?
07/31/16 11:11PM
Stroke said:
How are we supposed to determine whether or not you're a good writer if you don't post anything?

I just know I'm not a very good writer.
07/31/16 11:16PM
I have story ideas too but i can't write, I just draw them instead with minimal writing skill.
07/31/16 11:38PM
WhyWouldYouDoThat said:
I just know I'm not a very good writer.

Practice my friend; I am sure that with effort, you can construct a superb work of literature :)
07/31/16 11:39PM
My issue is that I don't enjoy writing erotica so it's too tame to share in MCstories circles and too fetishy to share with friends. So I either don't write or keep it to the secret shame folder which no light is allowed to touch.
07/31/16 11:40PM
im trying to write a novel, my problem is i get months long writer's block
08/01/16 12:37AM
I've a number of ideas meself, but the problem lies in that I'm absolutely useless at establishing scenes and fluffing them out. What I mean is I can have the dialogue more or less planned out, have chatacter motives and personalities ready to write, and can clearly visualize the progression of events that make up a chapter/story, but can't for the life of me think how to actually set the scene. It's like trying to perform a play without a backdrop.
08/01/16 12:50AM
My biggest problem is just getting up the motivation to write. RPing kind of counts towards writing, but I haven't written anything beyond term papers and assignments since 2011-12.

It's just really hard to pull yourself out of that pit. >.<
08/01/16 02:14AM
That feel when my goal of eventually being an author will start with me writing smut...
08/01/16 03:19AM
YouAreARobotNow said:
That feel when my goal of eventually being an author will start with me writing smut...


I shouldn't laugh. I'm pretty much that guy.

Zko said:
I have story ideas too but i can't write, I just draw them instead with minimal writing skill.

You and I should pair up then. :P
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