08/01/16 04:49AM
bad news (and not so bad news)
so one of my family members had a stroke today.
the good news is they said his survival chance is around 80%
08/01/16 05:03AM
I can only imagine how terrible this experience was for you, and your family. I am glad to hear that he survived and that he may be doing well. I am sorry though that it did happen.
08/01/16 05:31AM
I feel your fear. Knowing a loved one is facing a stroke counts as one of the most frightening, personal things anyone can undergo. I'm sorry it has to happen to anyone, and I can't predict how this will turn out, but I pray for his survival and recovery.

A word of hope if he pulls through, my father survived three strokes with his personality generally intact, as well as the ability to walk. It was around 6 years ago that the ordeal began. He was doing far better by the end, and I fully believe he'd still be around had he not clung to separate unhealthy habits.

Things will seem unimaginably awful at first, but they should stabilize once the right treatment is found for him. Offer him sympathy and conversation, even if he gets angry or vulgar - you can't judge a man who's been through something like this for acting out of frustration or misery.

Things may not go back to how they were, but be patient. Encourage better health habits, but don't force them. Don't wait for a miracle, but notice and savor progress. And in the meantime, if you're on good terms, keep it up like nothing changed. They will appreciate you putting in the effort to keep this event from dominating their life.
08/01/16 05:35AM
crazyman said:
so one of my family members had a stroke today.
the good news is they said his survival chance is around 80%

That's pretty rough. I'm hoping he pulls through it. >.o
08/01/16 09:17AM
crazyman said:
so one of my family members had a stroke today.
the good news is they said his survival chance is around 80%

My dad had stroke about 2 years ago. Really big one.

He managed to not just survive, but he also walks without cane.
...not to mention riding out to other country to marry someone, as he was divorced with mom. Heh.

So... survival chance is often way bigger than it seems. And 80% seems like big one! Good luck!
08/01/16 10:07AM
Hope they're okay, Crazyman. It's a scary concept, and can be scary during the recovery when their nerves are a little off. Hope the recovery is swift.

On another note, I hope you're doing okay. I've experienced personal tragedy and turned to the community here in desperation because I had nowhere and no one else to share it with. Hopefully I'm projecting, but if you're low on avenues to vent, shoot me or someone else a PM and talk it out. It sucks to be alone when shit is hitting the fan. We're here for you, bud.
08/01/16 09:08PM
so the doctors said that he is still fully aware, can move all limbs, can talk. a vein bursting is the cause. If it doesnt clot, the vein should re-form and thats the end of that. if it does clot, then they have to do surgery

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