08/01/16 07:40AM
Patron Appreciation Week! (RAFFLE HAPPENING AT 8:30 PST)
Get on in here!

Hey everyone. As a huge thank you to those who have been donating or are thinking of donating, I will be dedicating a whole week of events for you wonderful patrons of my patreon!

Monday: free sketch requests for all patrons only. (Limit 1 per patron with 2 character limit)
Tuesday: The big raffle!
Wednesday: naomi comic CYOA work
Thursday: more work on the naomi comic
Friday: free sketch encore!

Patreon starts charging people fairly soon! So if you wish to get in on the free sketch, donate at least $1 to the patreon before the payment period later tonight! (if you miss the payment period message me and we can work something out)

Patreon link:

I hope to see you guys during this event!!

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