08/01/16 09:05AM
Kracky's Art Progress Thread
Heya guys! I've been around the hub for a while and even though I have presented work revolving around MMD animation specifically, I have been hard at work learning how to draw. Many of you on this site have been very friendly and helpful and I am very appreciative for your support of my journey to becoming a hand drawn artist/animator. Thank you all so much!

I would like to start this thread and periodically post progress of my work from time to time if that's okay.

With that being said, here's what I was doing last night and all throughout today.

I received a lot of great feedback from Yakai and I ran with his suggestions on improving my general anatomy. Thank you so much for the help Yakai!

I'll be posting more anatomy doodles and poses as time goes on (maybe even finished pics). Feel free to give feedback at your convenience. Thank you all so much again! :)
08/01/16 09:33PM
Looks like a good start so far! :)
08/01/16 09:38PM
If you really want to get good at art dont start by drawing anime, it will force several bad habits. Start drawing real life and once you have an understanding of proper anatomy you can use that knowledge to stylize it into a proper anime style. This is pretty much the advice I tell everyone because no one told me when I was starting out, and its a big mistake.

Also use real life references as much as possible and look up videos on how to approach a drawing from scratch, this is my go to guy for stuff like that
08/01/16 11:40PM
Zko said:

Also use real life references as much as possible and look up videos on how to approach a drawing from scratch, this is my go to guy for stuff like that

Oh! I've also learned a lot from the guy in this link as well! Very informative while also being entertaining.
08/03/16 02:48AM
Thank you so much guys! I have checked out Proko and he has been very informative!! I'll be sure to study his work much more often.


I know I can't learn through anime. It's kind of difficult for me since I've always wanted to draw anime so I kind of have to force myself to work on life drawing and anatomy. Rest assured, I'm aware that it's not a good way to learn how to draw. I appreciate the feedback regardless though. Thank you for the very helpful link!!

For the past two days I've been practicing Torsos amongst Pose work which I have yet to scan in. In any case I'm now trying to get a consistent grasp on the rib cage and pelvis shapes associated with human anatomy. I still feel that I'm not truly going as realistic as I want to with this anatomy though. I think it's realistic musculature that should fix that problem maybe? (I have watched a few of Proko's videos regarding this)

08/03/16 03:34AM
Ah, I'm a bit late with my response, despite being the one up in arms about hearing ya consider quitting. >____<

Anyway, yeah, I would suggest sticking away from making it "anime-esque," seeing as how the eyes were kinda uncanny for simple anatomy studies if anything. When you do wanna work on faces in the future, attempt using different eyes to give us an idea of what you're most comfortable with + what we'd suggest to run with if unsure.

Once you're ready for posing, consider adding a little dialogue to go with it as well for fun while you practice. :3
08/03/16 05:03AM
you're making good progress, kracko c :[
08/03/16 07:50AM

It's no problem at all. I'm happy you responded :)

Oh and yes I do need to focus on faces in the future. Right now I want to focus immensely on anatomy but while I do that I can probably take a shot at eyes and the rest of the face structure after I have anatomy consistently down. Next time I post anatomy doodles I'll go for a more realistic face. Thank you RCBC!!


Thank you so much Monochrome! I'm happy to hear that and I appreciate the support!! :)

Ahh so I just finished a little digital piece

It only took me 4 hours to make from start to finish so I'm really happy I finished in that time.

I know it's completely contradictory to what I've been studying on anatomy but I really had to get my feet wet doing digital art again. It's been a while.

I was curious if I could upload something like this to the hub. What do you guys think if it isn't too much trouble?
08/03/16 08:09AM
KrackoDude said:

It's no problem at all. I'm happy you responded :)

Oh and yes I do need to focus on faces in the future. Right now I want to focus immensely on anatomy but while I do that I can probably take a shot at eyes and the rest of the face structure after I have anatomy consistently down. Next time I post anatomy doodles I'll go for a more realistic face. Thank you RCBC!!


Thank you so much Monochrome! I'm happy to hear that and I appreciate the support!! :)

Ahh so I just finished a little digital piece

It only took me 4 hours to make from start to finish so I'm really happy I finished in that time.

I know it's completely contradictory to what I've been studying on anatomy but I really had to get my feet wet doing digital art again. It's been a while.

I was curious if I could upload something like this to the hub. What do you guys think if it isn't too much trouble?

Well honestly, I figure it would pass quality control no problems at all, buuuut...
Doesn't mean we can't give ya some feedback to "fix it up" right before ya post it here. Like, it's good, I do recommend posting eventually, just gonna give some pointers myself, and hopefully have a few other people pipe up as well if possible.

>Lower body seems kinda off, being a bit elongated if anything, either that or the knees seem kinda further down then they should be, idk for sure tho. I'll need someone else to verify that for me, fuckI'mtired...
>The line for the spiral eye's a bit "jagged"/wobbly in a few parts. This is probably not a big deal at all, but I'd argue to try and refine it a bit if possible as to simply practice that sorta thing.
>The spiral thing, while yes a doodle, I'd argue could be swinging back and forth a bit, or at least get redrawn just to look a bit nicer overall, as it otherwise just seems lazy leaving it the way it currently is.

Do wait to see if anyone else chimes in for further feedback, otherwise, up to you as for when to post it. [shrug]
08/03/16 09:41AM
I'd say the legs need the most tweaking; her right knee appears to be bulking out a bit more than the other, plus the left leg appears to be much thinner than the other.

The unrefined lines shouldn't be a problem once you get more of a handle on digital arting. If you're using Paint Tool Sai, I'd recommend using the Stabilizer--I personally find it helps get rid of wobbly stokes and the like. :)
08/03/16 12:22PM
KrackoDude said:

that's cute as heck my dude. i also really appreciate the spiral motif, especially with the eyes ^@ u @^
08/03/16 05:16PM
Aww thats cool. Reminds me of seeing BrokenTeapot stuff for the first time like a million years ago. Excited for your continued growth!
08/04/16 02:26AM
@geekgirl8 & RCBC

Thank you guys so much!! I made sure to revise it on your feedback.

Surprisingly I was able to smooth out those lines without stabilizer. I will use it in the future, though. I imagine it has a lot of uses!! Thank you for the tip geekgirl!!

I think I might post this pic in a bit. I'm working on starting another digital piece right now.


Thank you so much ^u^ I looooove spiral eyes. And I love cute characters too. I'm really happy you like it. :)


Thank you so much!! I really appreciate the support. I guarantee I will work to not disappoint!! :) Oh hmm....I'm not sure I know of BrokenTeapot, but I will make sure to look up his work.


Thank you so much, guys. You guys have been so motivational!! I will continue practicing and making art :)
08/04/16 02:40AM
KrackoDude said:
@geekgirl8 & RCBC

Thank you guys so much!! I made sure to revise it on your feedback.

Surprisingly I was able to smooth out those lines without stabilizer. I will use it in the future, though. I imagine it has a lot of uses!! Thank you for the tip geekgirl!!

I think I might post this pic in a bit. I'm working on starting another digital piece right now.


Thank you so much ^u^ I looooove spiral eyes. And I love cute characters too. I'm really happy you like it. :)


Thank you so much!! I really appreciate the support. I guarantee I will work to not disappoint!! :) Oh hmm....I'm not sure I know of BrokenTeapot, but I will make sure to look up his work.


Thank you so much, guys. You guys have been so motivational!! I will continue practicing and making art :)

I'm still feeling a bit iffy about the anatomy looking elongated a bit, but that's my only complaint. Just keep up the positive attitude, so glad u didn't give up that time. This is what I like to see.
08/05/16 06:58AM
RedCollarBlackCollar said:
Just keep up the positive attitude, so glad u didn't give up that time. This is what I like to see.

I will. I've been more inspired to draw than ever all because of you guys. It's been amazingly fun!! :) Thank you all so much

So here's another digital drawing that I took a whack at.

I attempted to go a bit further into anatomy this time, with the help of Yakai. :)

Any thoughts or changes I should think about before uploading?
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