08/01/16 02:39PM
So i'm curious...
Am I the only one who is kinda laughing their ass off right now over this controversy about Gal*Gun (A new English language release of a Japanese game where you use a pheromone gun to please cute anime girls and get them to strip to their underwear and love you) getting rated "E for Everyone", lately?

Because a bunch of moral crusaders and outraged people right now are like "Oh no! Mild sexual content!! How dare this be rated E and be in the hands of all ages?!?!"

Personally speaking, while I am SURPRISED it got this rating, I am not particularly having ANY problem with this, and find the controversy laughable.

Laughable in the fact that, yeah, the ESRB has spoken and the game is rated E, and now a lot of SJW's and prudes are flipping their shit about something they can't do anything about now. :P

I mean, I look at it this way. This game's sexual content is actually pretty damn mild, all things considered. As far as i'm aware there's no explicit nudity.

But I think why people are losing their crap is because the CONCEPT of the game... Changing girls that are standoffish and seem angry at you, into girls that are suddenly super happy, aroused and ready to strip to their underwear because you are essentially zapping them with a ray that makes them amorous with cartoony little hearts bubbing around their heads.

I feel like it's that concept that is getting feminists and SJW's mad, or people who regard this as "creepy weeaboo prevertedness" (which i'm pretty sure a LARGE number of people here are all for).

Does that mean it really DOES deserve an E? Actually... no. I'm surprised as anyone. I DO think a game like this at the very least SHOULD have gotten a T for Teen, at the very least. I mean let's be honest. But just because I EXPECTED it, not like I personally would have rated it that way.

But nonetheless, I find it humorous that it's getting an E. Like, lucky, you know? :P Like finding an extra $20 on the ground, or getting two cans of soda in a vending machine when you only pushed the button for one.

And the double standardness of the people getting mad over the concept more than the rating, and trying to play the "WON'T SOMEBODY THINK OF THE CHILDREN?" card over a couple of anime girls in their underwear and a ray gun that changes their personality?

I find it silly. The game was rated, Was it a mistake? Maybe. But it can't go back now, and quite frankly... this game is still a million times more harmless for kids than a game (which I like) such as GTA V (even though I am an adult, and that game is FOR my demographic).

So, whoop-de-frickin-do... a game is probably going to awaken more of a general audience to some incredibly softcore hypno-ish, anime girls-in-panties fetish action. As far as I see it? Not a big problem. Not a problem at ALL, I might even say.

I got turned on by cartoon girls when I was a kid myself, despite the FCC and the network censors doing their best to try and keep it from happening and trying to keep things as innocent as possible (even when certain avant-garde animators rebelled a little from time to time and got it past the radar, regardless). The process here isn't much different than any of that.

I'm just having a big ol' hearty laugh at this little "controversy".

How 'bout you guys? :P

08/01/16 03:19PM
First I've heard of it. And that coming from someone oft called a SJW :-P

Sounds like another manufactured controversy. You can sell anything these days as long as you claim it will annoy "PC people" or "Dem evil SJWs". Pretty much Nigel Farages entire career
08/01/16 05:10PM
Honestly, I feel like when people go into "think of the children!!!" mode, that just says to me that they're an irresponsible parent to begin with. When you allow your child to play video games, you should be making a point to monitor what content you're comfortable with letting them see, not putting your child in the hands of the ESRB and just trusting invisible men to know what's best for your kid to view. I've been playing video games since I was a child myself, and my kids are starting to be gamers now too, so I make a note to research the kind of games that I would be comfortable with letting my kids play (Minecraft, Terraria, and Fez are their current favorites). So, if parents don't want their kids exposed to anime panties, then that's really up to them, because they're the ones raising the kids, not the ratings bureau.
08/01/16 08:51PM
A bunch of people wanting the ESRB to do their work for them, nothing more.

That said, the ESRB COULD probably use some revisions in it's policies. It's odd that this game got an E, and I was always a little curious as to "M", the heaviest rating carried by major retailers, covered so many games, often for content that any 12 year old has seen thousands of times over in movies, TV, and hell even the news. Still, doesn't really affect me because I can pick and choose what I wish to play, and if I ever end up with kids, I'll allow them access to games on a case-to-case basis, like my parents did with me when I was growing up.
08/02/16 12:35AM
There seems to be some confusion here. The game is rated "M", and it has MUCH more than "mild sexual content". The "controversy", as you call it, is an error. Somehow, the game's case has the correct rating on the front of the box, but has "E for Everyone" on the back. It's just a silly (and kind of hilarious) QC error. www.destructoid.com/gal-g...ual-content--377927.phtml

So, yes, more manufactured outrage by the folks who want to shout at their imaginary "SJWs".
08/02/16 12:51AM
Mindwipe said:
There seems to be some confusion here. The game is rated "M", and it has MUCH more than "mild sexual content". The "controversy", as you call it, is an error. Somehow, the game's case has the correct rating on the front of the box, but has "E for Everyone" on the back. It's just a silly (and kind of hilarious) QC error. www.destructoid.com/gal-g...ual-content--377927.phtml

So, yes, more manufactured outrage by the folks who want to shout at their imaginary "SJWs".

Christ that comment section is a goldmine of failed proofreading.

08/02/16 02:38AM

Well, in that case, i'm actually far less amused and far less happy about this outcome, then.

I wasn't aware of this.

I guess this has gone from a "haha this is funny" attitude on my part to a slightly more serious "ugh, this sucks" attitude, then.

This game does not deserve that harsh of a rating, I believe. Also, if this is what it is... just a mistaken image of the box? And people are STILL going nuts about that? That's just... idiotic. The response, I mean.

If it was a simple mistake of an image, than I have to wonder why sites are even reporting on this. Why is it news? Why is it suddenly a sensationalized topic for all of the Kotakus and Polygons (garbage sites, in other words) of the internet to start crowing about it like it matters, then?

Now, I feel like this changes EVERYTHING for me. I'm quite a bit more genuinely annoyed to see a simple mistake being given more negative publicity for a game, that doesn't seem to me, to have anything worth being rated M, over. Or worth manufacturing controversy about, when it is FAR more pointless than even I believed... but still getting this kink-shaming coverage from "journalists".

And now it feels to me like this is just over-sensaltionalization (which I already caught a whiff of before, with this whole situation when I thought it was the other way around), is actually worse, because now I really DO get the sense they're trying to drag the game through the mud for what it is, and how harmless, in my opinion, I feel that it is.

I WAS feeling like I could just laugh this off. Now i'm just as irritated with this as all the other backlash against anime-girl fanservice, oversensitive politically correct bullcrap as before.

Because now my problem is... why have they decided this was newsworthy? To drag it through the mud based on a technical mistake? Boo. Any excuse to spread bad publicity for a game with some fanservice in it. More sjw and feminist pandering from sensationalist clickbait sites to degrade people for having a fetish.

Oh and yes, also I want to reiterate "my bad". I guess I didn't research it fully.

So, I was wrong. This issue does suck. No more laughing from me.

I guess this IS why we can't have nice things.
08/02/16 02:49AM
Well, hell. I'm still gonna buy it. I'm just gonna go ahead and support Gal*Gun, regardless.
08/02/16 02:52AM
As for why the game is rated M, you can read the ESRB's reasoning here www.esrb.org/ratings/Syno...e=Gal*Gun%3A+Double+Peace (the ESRB always posts the games they rate on their site)

It sounds to me like M is the appropriate rating. As for why people are reporting on it the way they are? Because people click on those articles. Then people freak out over it because they don't actually read the articles to see what the story is. I don't know what articles have been written about this on other sites, but if any of them tried to pass this off as anything other than a QC error, they're just stoking fake outrage.
08/02/16 02:58AM
Mindwipe said:
As for why the game is rated M, you can read the ESRB's reasoning here www.esrb.org/ratings/Syno...e=Gal*Gun%3A+Double+Peace (the ESRB always posts the games they rate on their site)

It sounds to me like M is the appropriate rating. As for why people are reporting on it the way they are? Because people click on those articles. Then people freak out over it because they don't actually read the articles to see what the story is. I don't know what articles have been written about this on other sites, but if any of them tried to pass this off as anything other than a QC error, they're just stoking fake outrage.

I suppose so. I guess the rating doesn't really matter, when it all comes down to it, anyhows. I'm well over my 20's, so it doesn't affect me, and I feel like anyone who wants the game will find a way to get it. So the ESRB can do as it wants. Not, like, crestfallen or anything. But garbage reporting gets me a little more annoyed, in the end.

If something sounds too good to be true, I guess it is. :P That was my mistake. ehe.
08/02/16 09:56AM
I think that if video game news sites only reported on hard-hitting stories with significant consequences to the world at large, they'd have nothing to write about most of the time. =|
This is no different then the times they reported on Resident Evil: Revelations having its own name misspelled, or Okami having an IGN watermark on their boxes. There's no shaming or conspiracy going on here, is what I'm trying to say.
08/03/16 11:53PM
Gonna try "hijacking" this topic, seeing as how ESRB's been brought up here + in a vid I was listening to involving CS:GO. youtu.be/R7XEnCcQNXk?t=4m48s

You don't have to listen to the whole thing, but I am curious as far as what should/shouldn't fall under an "Adult-rating" when it comes to games with real money gambling. Either that, or what's a good alternative to deal with this overall issue we're currently looking at...
08/05/16 02:30AM
Well, Game Grumps are playing it now, if anybody wants to see their fetish mixed with a screaming chinned man.

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