08/03/16 04:55AM
LillyTank's Writing and Drawing Progress Thread
Hi Again Everyone,

I'm LillyTank for those that are new and may not know me. It probably doesn't really matter that I introduce myself here again but I find the gesture to be nice so I'll do it for the benefit of those who may care about that kind of thing.

I've been with this site since the beginning. I'm actually a former admin from way back... I just never made as much impact as other admins like MindWipe or Vanndril...

I'm a seasoned manipper who's fairly proficient in image editing software. I used to do a lot of full-body-manipping which I can say is truly the devil's art because it'll drive you crazy over a period of time.

I make this thread not simply for introductions but to once again call upon this community for assistance in improving a trait or two. I know that the hub has very helpful and intelligent people in its roster.

I want to try improving my drawing (anime-style) and writing. I'll be using this thread to post a chronicle my progress as an artist and writer. From time to time
I may post a stream here or a story that I've put on paste-bin or someplace.
I just want the community to watch me grow in these areas if I'm able.

I've never been any good at sticking with something but I want to try to correct this about myself. So please stay tuned to this thread and be sure to leave lots of feed back for my future posts.

Thank you, everyone.

I stopped the stream early. It was a bit more pressure than I expected... still pretty nice though... sorry if it didn't come through for most people.
08/03/16 05:13AM
Sounds good. If you need any advice or a proof-reader for your manips, send me a PM. I can at least help from a writing standpoint.

Looking forward to seeing your progress. ^^
08/03/16 11:07AM
Cool man, Im definitely excited to see your work and improvement!
08/04/16 06:19AM
Oh wonderful!! I want to see your work improve!!

I'll be looking forward to seeing your progress :)

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