08/04/16 01:38PM
Is anyone doing commissions at the moment?
If so please let me know I have several ideas I will run by you if so :)
08/04/16 05:36PM
My only commissions are in writing... I'm guessing you're looking for image commissions?
08/04/16 05:58PM
NinjaW said:
My only commissions are in writing... I'm guessing you're looking for image commissions?

Same here. Besides, I really need to get back to the one I'm already commissioned for...
08/04/16 06:07PM
Brianna said:
If so please let me know I have several ideas I will run by you if so :)

Would prob be a good idea to give an estimate toward how much you're willing to pay, and just what exactly you have in mind, as not every artist is willing to/capable of taking on certain projects...
08/04/16 07:35PM
<< | Yes. =)>>
08/04/16 07:56PM
Basically always.

[I've neglected to update my commission sheet though whoops]

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