08/04/16 05:40PM
this isnt right...
the arrows that appear next to my account, posts, comments, all the way to help have been turned into squares
08/04/16 05:40PM
crazyman said:
the arrows that appear next to my account, posts, comments, all the way to help have been turned into squares

Yes. They have.
08/04/16 05:42PM
Yeah same for me.
08/04/16 05:42PM
You know what they say, when you point at someone, four fingers point back at you.

Except when you're a minecraft person.
08/04/16 06:07PM
Yup, the Tangling has come. All that remains now is for us to hide and wait this apocalypse out.
08/04/16 06:27PM
This is quite funny to me actually, last time this happened on a different booru we were actually hacked. What happened is that the little 2 arrows are a special character but if you save the php/html files to a non standard encoding (aka not UTF-8) the character is lost and changes to something invalid. When i went trough the code on that booru i found php troyans and injections and the only reason i found out is because they ruined my cute arrows duo to wrong file encoding.

However i went over the code for hypnohub that's changed and i couldn't find anything exploitable so my guess is that Vandrill or something messed up lol

p.s the arrows show fine for me doe.
08/04/16 06:28PM
On the plus side, the shape next to IRC Chat is still an arrow...

Although, now that I've pointed that out, it's likely going to get changed into a square like the others... Well, let's enjoy the single surviving arrow while it lasts.
08/04/16 06:29PM
Anon_3.141 said:
On the plus side, the shape next to IRC Chat is still an arrow...

Although, now that I've pointed that out, it's likely going to get changed into a square like the others... Well, let's enjoy the single surviving arrow while it lasts.

thats because the IRC chat is loaded separately. try reloading the page, there should be a second where IRC chat isnt loaded but the other ones are
08/05/16 06:48AM
slayerduck said:
This is quite funny to me actually, last time this happened on a different booru we were actually hacked. What happened is that the little 2 arrows are a special character but if you save the php/html files to a non standard encoding (aka not UTF-8) the character is lost and changes to something invalid. When i went trough the code on that booru i found php troyans and injections and the only reason i found out is because they ruined my cute arrows duo to wrong file encoding.

However i went over the code for hypnohub that's changed and i couldn't find anything exploitable so my guess is that Vandrill or something messed up lol

p.s the arrows show fine for me doe.

i know for a fact that there's still an exploit i reported a long time ago that i never heard about being patched
08/05/16 10:03AM
Maybe someone added a discrete bracket somewhere, causing the arrows to become corrupted...
08/05/16 02:53PM
Also on the opening page, "Forum" is listed twice. Maybe we've been hacked?
08/05/16 02:58PM
NinjaW said:
Also on the opening page, "Forum" is listed twice. Maybe we've been hacked?

I only see it listed once. I am wondering what's going on. The only thing I see are squares, Does anyone have anything else strange like NinjaW?
08/05/16 04:18PM
Imasuky said:
I only see it listed once. I am wondering what's going on. The only thing I see are squares, Does anyone have anything else strange like NinjaW?

There's all this haigure everywhere.


Edit: Actually yeah, it's up twice. Weird.
08/06/16 06:41PM
Seeing squares except triangle by Chat
08/08/16 03:31AM
*laughs* I only noticed this thread now.

No worries, folks. Is my fault, not a hacker. XD

I was applying some updates that the dev made to fix some old bugs in the software, and the default "icons" for the header link menu is actually those squares. So, when I updated the files, I forgot to change them back to the triangles.

I'll go edit the file again.
1 2>>>

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