08/05/16 07:42AM
Anyone wanna DM?
So I stumbled across this post recently:

It seems really interesting and I wanna try it, if anyone is interested.

Just in case someone WOULD like to DM, here are my choices:
Story: Toy Story
Character: Joe Average
Time Period: Atoms and Adverts
Magic: Mystical Mysteries
Psionic Level: Mentalist Mania
Superpowers: Naive Normalcy
Furries: Simply Skin
Tone: Medium
Character Type: Self-insert
Traits: Hypersuggestible, Irresistible, Superb Athlete
Rivals: The Sorceress, The Stage Hypnotist, The Telepath, The Pheromone Mistress, The Mad Scientist, The Hypnotic Cheerleader
Posse: The Teacher, The Wallflower, The Amazon
Bonus Points: all spent making my posse members into additional rivals.

If anyone is interested, please message me. Thanks!

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