08/07/16 10:03PM
An idea for a homebrew dnd campeign
The campaign would take place in a world where all living life have in some way or another gained the power of mind control, hypnosis, brainwashing, ect. And an evil warlock seeks to use their power to turn everyone into a slave. The small band of adventurers (players) would seek out artifacts and tools to stop said warlock. Or, perhaps fall victim of the power of one of the many hypnotic creatures in the world. Or even serve the warlock themself.

I would dm, unless another would want to, and it would probly be Pathfinder.

Currently have 2 players. Would like atleast 2 more

Doing this on Roll20
08/07/16 10:30PM
Garonorc said:

08/08/16 02:51AM
someguy231 said:

Oi, I'll have you know I did 4e before you came in while i was changing to PF!

PS: Sorry to sidetrack on a tangent
08/08/16 04:43AM
That actually sounds pretty fun, never played dnd though
08/08/16 04:55AM
Garonorc said:
The campaign would take place in a world where all living life have in some way or another gained the power of mind control, hypnosis, brainwashing, ect. And an evil warlock seeks to use their power to turn everyone into a slave. The small band of adventurers (players) would seek out artifacts and tools to stop said warlock. Or, perhaps fall victim of the power of one of the many hypnotic creatures in the world. Or even serve the warlock themself.

I would dm, unless another would want to, and it would probly be 4e.

Anyone game?

(Still need to decide where we would do this, so ideas are welcomed!)

I don't play many DnD games but the scenario is really good and I'd be down. I'd just have to get a refresher in how to do some things in DnD
08/08/16 06:45AM
Garonorc said:
The campaign would take place in a world where all living life have in some way or another gained the power of mind control, hypnosis, brainwashing, ect. And an evil warlock seeks to use their power to turn everyone into a slave. The small band of adventurers (players) would seek out artifacts and tools to stop said warlock. Or, perhaps fall victim of the power of one of the many hypnotic creatures in the world. Or even serve the warlock themself.

I would dm, unless another would want to, and it would probly be 4e.

Anyone game?

(Still need to decide where we would do this, so ideas are welcomed!)

This seems like an interesting idea. Though I am a fan of 3.5 and pathfinder more, I may give 4e a shot.
08/08/16 11:56AM
[spoiler=why you shouldn't use 4E]
A normal troll would use game mechanics logic to argue against using 4E for anything other than hack and slash. And they would be correct. And I'm trying very hard not to link bomb you with examples of spells and skills.

But I'm going to use the meta-game argument. This is the srd for bard in <<|5E dnd>>. This is the <<|srd for pathfinder mesmerist class>>. This is the <<|official documentation for the mesmerist class>>. So in two steps I've got something that's mind control themed, I haven't had to buy something or pirate it.

This is the <<|cleric from 4E>>. You have a lot of dead links on that page. Now, if you try and come up with an SRD... you basically get screwed as a player and gm because of how the game was licensed.

It's a reality that you will probably need to roll house rules of some kind to support kinky d/s play and your particular flavor of mind control. 4E has, very little in the way of easy documentation and in game support for social play is ugly (again, lack of link bombing going on right now).

That rant out of the way, some good advice for the other stuff you asked. supports good dice rolling and maps. Mythweavers supports good character sheets (thanks to someguy231 for asking if he could use them). has a dedicated rp forum, it isn't so good on dice or maps. They have a lot of freeform rp's.

I can vouch for Pathfinder as having good enough rules. I would not roll something more complicated like Shadowrun (and I'm a terrible fucking fanboy for Shadowrun) unless you know you have a good team of rp players. I haven't used Savage Worlds for kink yet. When playing irl, cc took no more than half an hour on a sheet of notebook paper. But there's also so many free systems out there, when I checked, it might be worth having a look at those (I've heard mixed things about Fate).
08/08/16 07:16PM
Mr_Face said:
[spoiler=why you shouldn't use 4E]
A normal troll would use game mechanics logic to argue against using 4E for anything other than hack and slash. And they would be correct. And I'm trying very hard not to link bomb you with examples of spells and skills.

But I'm going to use the meta-game argument. This is the srd for bard in <<|5E dnd>>. This is the <<|srd for pathfinder mesmerist class>>. This is the <<|official documentation for the mesmerist class>>. So in two steps I've got something that's mind control themed, I haven't had to buy something or pirate it.

This is the <<|cleric from 4E>>. You have a lot of dead links on that page. Now, if you try and come up with an SRD... you basically get screwed as a player and gm because of how the game was licensed.

It's a reality that you will probably need to roll house rules of some kind to support kinky d/s play and your particular flavor of mind control. 4E has, very little in the way of easy documentation and in game support for social play is ugly (again, lack of link bombing going on right now).

That rant out of the way, some good advice for the other stuff you asked. supports good dice rolling and maps. Mythweavers supports good character sheets (thanks to someguy231 for asking if he could use them). has a dedicated rp forum, it isn't so good on dice or maps. They have a lot of freeform rp's.

I can vouch for Pathfinder as having good enough rules. I would not roll something more complicated like Shadowrun (and I'm a terrible fucking fanboy for Shadowrun) unless you know you have a good team of rp players. I haven't used Savage Worlds for kink yet. When playing irl, cc took no more than half an hour on a sheet of notebook paper. But there's also so many free systems out there, when I checked, it might be worth having a look at those (I've heard mixed things about Fate).

Yeah, yikes. Only reason I suggested 4e was that's what I have done a lot of with friends. But it's obvious no one wants to do it. (And it wouldn't go well) so how about Pathfinder? Everyone good with that? I'll just have to find and read a bit about it. (If you know where I can, link please!)
08/08/16 07:30PM
Garonorc said:
Yeah, yikes. Only reason I suggested 4e was that's what I have done a lot of with friends. But it's obvious no one wants to do it. (And it wouldn't go well) so how about Pathfinder? Everyone good with that? I'll just have to find and read a bit about it. (If you know where I can, link please!)

It's fine, I tried running 4e earlier for a hypno themed game, and it required what a fair bit of homebrew. 4e is made for combat, not really the social rp that is inherent in a game focused around hypno hijinks, and you'll definitely need to come up with some rules about how to even do mind altering spells if all you have is the core books (ie; I tried using a rule of thumb of about 3 successful Diplomacy rolls to put someone under, which is almost a non-issue even at low levels to someone that just went Cha and Diplomacy focused to get like +9-+12 right out the gate), or using things like Prestidigitation to create a Hypno spiral, but the issue with that is the same as above but for Arcana, as well as a literally infinite supply of spirals being a cantrip.

I eventually swapped over to Pathfinder because it actually has MC spells with the Enchantment tree, and is a bit less homebrew over almost every social encounter. It's also not too hard a jump to make (provided you have someone help you, thanks Face), and has a couple of classes that can cast spells besides just Cleric, Wizard, Sorceror (although PF Warlock is...well, imo it's like the Last Airbender movie, we don't talk about it).

As for where to read on PF: and all the links to races, classes, how to make chars, etc is in that sidebar. Heck, it even has Cursed items to use like the Crystal Hypnosis Ball:
08/08/16 07:31PM
08/08/16 07:38PM
i'll give it a try, i wont guarantee i'll stay though
08/08/16 07:38PM
i'll give it a try, i wont guarantee i'll stay though
08/09/16 09:36AM
So I've read the rules cheat sheet for pathfinder and think I'm ready for people who are interested to start making characters! So shoot me a pm if your interested in joining. As I'm new to pathfinder if i make any mistakes please correct me!

This will be done through Roll 20, for maps and dice rolls.
08/10/16 07:49AM
Alright! I got the lobby set up in roll 20! Once again, Send me a message through the hub for the link to the lobby if you want to join!
08/11/16 11:16AM
Garonorc said:
Alright! I got the lobby set up in roll 20! Once again, Send me a message through the hub for the link to the lobby if you want to join!

I would like to join.
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