08/07/16 11:20PM
Nominate someone to visit the Resort!
I'm really happy you guys enjoyed my Hypno Resort comic:

It took me a while to finish and while I have ideas for possibly more, it might be a while until I get another comic done. So I want to throw out the idea of drawing some characters, be it OCs or part of any series, to be draw as "Resort Slaves" after having paid a visit themselves.

I cant promise I'll draw every suggestion but throw some characters at me and I'll see what I can do. I'm just itching to draw more based on this idea and it'll be more fun for everybody if its not just random nobodies and characters others want to see.
08/08/16 12:08AM
Well Awake-San ( ) could always uses some R&R. Might calm her down a bit
08/08/16 12:20AM
Yeah, Awake-San'd be amusing. <<|Toon Liz>> is my fav OC tho. Well, human OC, anyway.

This is where I justify <<|my own OC>> with the excuse that there isn't a lot of male OC's, but yeah, I'm just being egotistical.
08/08/16 12:47AM
toon liz or else
08/08/16 12:49AM
The Bherna Gal could use some... inspiration for PR ideas.
08/08/16 01:03AM
Crystal's sister Alex could use a little vacation, so to speak.
08/08/16 01:24AM
Pinkanator said:
Yeah, Awake-San'd be amusing. <<|Toon Liz>> is my fav OC tho. Well, human OC, anyway.

This is where I justify <<|my own OC>> with the excuse that there isn't a lot of male OC's, but yeah, I'm just being egotistical.

I nominate Pinkanator to go. I think you deserve a vacation, mate.
08/08/16 01:42AM
Pinkanator said:
This is where I justify <<|my own OC>> with the excuse that there isn't a lot of male OC's, but yeah, I'm just being egotistical.

I too nominate Pinky~
08/08/16 03:07AM
In that case I nominate Erika!
08/08/16 03:09AM
Milly in human version please~ white hair and blue eyes :P
You know who it is :3
08/08/16 07:08AM
ohhh sounds fun~ id nominate myself if possible. !
08/08/16 07:47AM
08/08/16 09:46AM
You kno I was expecting characters from series not so many suggestions for the Hubs various OCs heh. I can work with that.
08/08/16 11:00AM
I for one vote for Erika, Hypno-tan, Kassidy and Crystal. They need a vacation from all their crime fighting.

If you want non OC's then I guess Samus, Tracer, D.Va or Mercy?
08/08/16 11:32AM
Erika said:
ohhh sounds fun~ id nominate myself if possible. !

Seconded. And maybe she'll end up looking after Evilka!

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