08/08/16 09:16PM
Project MK ultra

Well I was reading things on the internet about the TV series Stranger Things (apparently it is really good) and I was redirected to a page Mentioning the prject MK Ultra, a set of experiment undergone by the CIA on the topic of mind control, I was wondering what would be your thoughts about it.

here is the link to the wikipedia page, so feel to share opinions and feedback~


Tell us what you think of it~
08/08/16 09:21PM
ive looked into that. i think the CIA went "you know, i dont think you can control peoples mind by injecting them with a fuckton of LSD"
08/08/16 09:25PM
I've known about it for a long time, It's really just another case of the government doing shady shit and then realizing it was a waste of time and money.
08/08/16 09:52PM
Frank Olson's story inspired a scene in the film 'The Good Shepherd'.
08/08/16 10:16PM
it didnt so much control their mind as it did make them go briefly berserk and ruin a US Marshalls life.
so yeah it was a government fuck up and isnt worth your attention
08/08/16 10:28PM
Mr_Face said:
Frank Olson's story inspired a scene in the film 'The Good Shepherd'.

didnt he commit suicide?
08/08/16 10:53PM
skullman2033 said:
it didnt so much control their mind as it did make them go briefly berserk and ruin a US Marshalls life.
so yeah it was a government fuck up and isnt worth your attention

Ohh yeah it matters a lot,if they had the guts to try that it tells a lot about them.
08/09/16 12:22AM
>Implying it isn't still in use today.
08/09/16 12:28AM
I think I remember hearing a story on a TV doc from a woman who was allegedly a test subject for the project, implanted with a trigger activating her when she saw coffee being twirled around in a cup by another female agent. Guilty boner.
08/09/16 12:54AM
No1 said:
Ohh yeah it matters a lot,if they had the guts to try that it tells a lot about them.

Well, such was the Cold War. Lots of weird and disturbing projects on both sides of the Iron Curtain. Lots of unethical experiments, including those on people.
Got us the wonders of modern medicine and people in space, though.
08/09/16 01:04AM
LabCoatDude said:
Well, such was the Cold War. Lots of weird and disturbing projects on both sides of the Iron Curtain. Lots of unethical experiments, including those on people.
Got us the wonders of modern medicine and people in space, though.

Then it tells a lot about the people that research, and the importance of ethical investigation(implying the present is different)
08/09/16 01:09AM
MKULTRA created the Unabomber. CIA had no clue what they were doing.
08/09/16 01:20AM
No1 said:
Then it tells a lot about the people that research, and the importance of ethical investigation(implying the present is different)

Yep. Also gives some insight on how crazy shit went when the nuke was invented.
08/09/16 01:24AM
The way i look at it, government money on R&D is government money on R&D. Some of the Cold War stuff may have been crazy and gone nowhere, but at least it was the state investing in the future.

Plus a lot of it did go somewhere. Teflon was invented to help Uranium enrichment because Uranium Hexafluoride is apparently mad-corrosive and they needed a no-stick surface so that their enrichment machines wouldn't melt.
08/09/16 01:35AM
Ogodei-Khan said:
The way i look at it, government money on R&D is government money on R&D. Some of the Cold War stuff may have been crazy and gone nowhere, but at least it was the state investing in the future.

Because <<www.youtube.com/watch?v=MxikFRQ4iKQ|giving cats LSD>> is <<www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z47iJsSiOIc|investing in the future.>>
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