08/12/16 09:17AM
CYOA side story
Oh man that hurt" I said to myself after I crashed into the ground.
"Note to self, never open up a portal to another dimension when I am getting attacked. Where am I?" I looked around and saw that I was in some kind of shrine. I really hadn't much time to think because I was greeted by a young looking girl.

"Ah sir are you alright what happend here?" The young girl said in a panic.

"Oh nothing much just a little bit of falling and crashing down to earth."
I tried to stand up but for some reason I couldn't muster any strength to do so. Until the friendly girl pointed it out.

"S-sir your stomach is riddled with holes."

"Huh what are you talking abo-" as I looked down I saw what she meant. "Well that's something new" I said.

"Hold on sir I'll patch you up."

"No no It's fine it will heal back up in no time." And just as I said that my wounds began to close.

"Wow I've never seen somthing like this before healing back up so fast without the help of magic." She said as she stood there in awe.

"Well if I where your average Joe this would probably have killed me. Lucky for me I have a lot of powers one of which is a super strong healing factor. Too bad about my shirt I really liked it."

"You can come inside If you want I have some clothes that you can use If you like, and I also have some questions for you."

"Welp that was to be expected I will explain everything." I said as I stood up following her inside.
"By the way I never asked for your name what is it?"

"It's Kasumi and what is your name if I may ask?"

"Kasumi what a lovely name, mine is Jonah."

So with a few tips of JKsAccount this is now it's own thread.
This is a side story of dreamshade's CYOA this is non canon.
08/12/16 09:36PM
I went to sit down at a table and looked around for a bit. Kasumi was getting some clothes for me to put on. "She seems like a nice girl, but I need to ask why she is hiding those ears and tails form me." I thought to myself. Kasumi came into the room with some new clothes.

"You can change your clothes over here. In the meantime I will be making some tea"

She said as she pointed me to the bathroom. "Well that very kind of you."
I went into the bathroom and locked the door behind me. I started to undress myself.
I looked at my clothes. They were bloody and full of holes. "I won't be using these anymore."
I said to myself and threw them away through a portal.
I put on the clothes Kasumi gave they were just a normal set of of a T-shirt a pair of jeans and sneakers. After I was fully dressed I went back out to meet Kasumi.

"Those clothes really suit you. Please sit down and enjoy your tea. I've got a lot of questions for you."

"Yes I know but before we get started I want to ask you a question first, if it's alright with you?"

"That's perfectly fine so what do you want to ask?"

"Why are you hiding your tails and ears with illusion magic?"

"What you can see my tails and ears even when I disguised them?"

"Yes I can, but why are you hiding them?"

"Well I thought you might be someone dangerous."

"Well as you can see I am most definitely not so you don't need to keep hiding them form me."

"I suppose so."

She undid her magic and showed me the full beauty of her tails and ears.

"It is quite peculiar that you can see through my disguise that easy"

"Well it's not like I could clearly see them. They were kind of see through."

"Well alright I suppose it's fine because you are the only one who could do something like that. Anyway now It's time for me to ask you some questions. Who are you exactly and where do you come from."

"Oh those are easy ones. My name you already know I'm nineteen years old and I come from another world. A world I can only go to for a extended amount of time."

"Why can you only go there for a extended amount of time?"

"Well those powers I told you about they are the cause of it. Every time I go back home I can hear the screams and pleads of every person in need from all the different worlds in my head. It's unbearable and painful and and" I lose myself in a panic attack.

"Hey Hey It's alright you are here now and not there." She says in a soothing voice as she waves her tails around. She walks over to me grabs a chair and sits next down to me again.
"Just look at my tails aren't they nice to look at?"

"Yes they are very nice and very relaxing." I suddenly felt really tired and all I wanted to do was sleep.

"Are you feeling a little bit sleepy? It's okay you can rest your head on one of my tails." She said as she guided my body of the chair and onto the floor."

"Yesssssss I can rest my head on your tail."

"Rest for now we will talk more later, sweet dreams."

As she said that I drifted of to sleep.

08/16/16 08:19PM
"Huh what happened"

"It looked like you where having a panic attack so I put you to sleep. Was it wrong of me to do so?"

"No if you hadn't done that it could have ended way worse." I lifted my head of of Kasumi's tail and sat up straight facing her.

"What do you mean way worse?" She said with a confused look on her face.

"Well if you hadn't put me to sleep I could have destroyed this whole universe."

"Wha-what how powerful are you." She said full of fear."

"Right now not that strong actually. I can only use so many powers at one time. Powers that are easy to use and don't require a lot of energy those I can use in quick succession for example I could levitate some things and at the same time teleport to some place I can see. That is not a problem for me. But things like shaping the worlds to my image and lifting up weights of a million pounds would require more energy and so I could only use one of them at the time. However there is one exception my powers are linked to my emotions so when I feel a strong emotions my powers could go out of hand."

"So what your saying is that when you feel strong emotions you could basically overpower anyone and anything?"

"Yes that is correct." We went to the table and sat back down in our chairs.
"Oh yes I've been meaning to ask you something did you do something to me? I feel a little bit strange."

"Yes well I thought you would make a good host for a kitsune's power so I tried to turn you into one while you were sleeping. But you're body it refused the power, now I now the reason why."

"So that's the reason I feel something burning inside my chest."
I drink up the last of my now cold tea.

"Well sorry about that"

"Nonese you don't have to be sorry about anything. If I was you I would have done the same thing."

"So your not even a little bit angry."

"Why would I be angry I've seen worse things in the multiverse. Besides I can't afford to be angry because of my powers."

"That is relieving to hear. But what are you gonna do now?"

"What I always do. Go exploring."

"But how are you planning on doing so without money, food a place to stay?"

"I will manage I always do."

"Alright then, but If you ever need a place to rest your head you know where to find me."

"I will keep you up on that promise. Well time to head out." I stand up give Kasumi a friendly smile and leave the shrine."

"What a strange young man."

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