08/12/16 07:03PM
Hypnosis Files
Hey forum,
I was just wondering if any of you knew some good hypno files (That work),
Ive looked around myself but I wanted to know if anyone has found some better ones.
I found this one that looks good:
However it is a guy's voice and I personally prefer a girls voice, makes me fall in trance faster.
Any files are great, however I have been having trouble with concentration so maybe one that could help me concentrate on work better!
That would be great,
08/12/16 07:42PM
NightLucidity said:
However it is a guy's voice and I personally prefer a girls voice, makes me fall in trance faster.

Same for me. I'm been meaning to try my luck with some voice modulation software to see if the results will be at least passable to, ah, increase my options. Not that I'm expecting to properly trance one way or another, because I'm a terrible subject with anything beyond basic relaxation, which in turn I have almost on autopilot...
08/12/16 07:43PM
Practice, practice, practice.

I personally started with this here:
It's maledom, pegasus tf and pet play, so DEFINITELY niche, but after like, a good one or two weeks of practice, I can go straight down for this, and realllllllly feel it. Find something you like, and work with it for a while.
08/12/16 08:22PM
TheKinkyFinn said:
Same for me. I'm been meaning to try my luck with some voice modulation software to see if the results will be at least passable to, ah, increase my options. Not that I'm expecting to properly trance one way or another, because I'm a terrible subject with anything beyond basic relaxation, which in turn I have almost on autopilot...

Yea im also terrible, can't seem to calm down or stop thinking...
08/12/16 08:26PM
Pinkanator said:
Practice, practice, practice.

I personally started with this here:
It's maledom, pegasus tf and pet play, so DEFINITELY niche, but after like, a good one or two weeks of practice, I can go straight down for this, and realllllllly feel it. Find something you like, and work with it for a while.

Thanks for the advice, ill give that a try. Not much of a my little pony fan, but ill find something I like xD

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