08/13/16 02:52AM
Question about an animated gif?
I'm so sorry if this is the wrong place for this, but I have an animated gif I thought I would upload here, but I'm not sure if it's good enough for the site?
08/13/16 02:55AM
From what I understand from recent art threads and such, if you're really worried about the quality, you should link it here first to see some reactions. Otherwise, just upload it and see what QCC thinks.
08/15/16 05:22AM
Well alrighty, I guess I'll just link it here then!

It's a little unpolished, and I did notice that most hypno gifs uploaded here are of victims instead of hypnotizers, so if it shouldn't be posted here I totally understand. :)
08/15/16 10:43AM
Personally, I think it's good enough to be on here. Maybe you could make the eye animation a little smoother, but as-is it's definitely up to quality standards.
08/15/16 04:44PM
Oh, all right! Thanks very much, I appreciate it! :)

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