08/14/16 06:30AM
Say, what are the rules for the Wiki, anyway?
On a whim, I decided to check out the wiki, and there could probably be more done. I mean, I haven't done THAT much digging, but Erika doesn't have a description, so that's probably a bad sign XP

Of course, I could be totally wrong here, but if not, what are the guidelines? How long can it be, should we link artist sources, character owner sources, give background on more questionable means ("The subject is squatting with hands pointed towards the crotch in a “V”." it the Hagure tag. That could definitely do with a contextual summary) and most importantly, should it be played straight, or is some level of humour acceptable?

Because it looks like something interesting to fill in, if I get the time.

What? I have hobbies.

EDIT: I've now discovered the Artist wiki acts differently to the tag wiki. From what I can tell, it seems like you should link to all available accounts, a hub profile (if applicable), and any aliases. A blank one looks like <<|Mindwipe's here>>, while a more complete one looks like <<|ModeSeven's.>>

I assume the notes can have some form of description filled in, which perhaps should be done with discretion, in order to avoid offense. Perhaps have someone check over them, make sure facts are in order, and nothing offense if taking place.
08/14/16 07:09AM
Here's me spouting my own understanding, take with a grain of salt:

The most fundamental wiki rule is "don't put anything wrong on it". This means that if you're about to spell out or refine a tag definition you had better be darn sure that it means what you think it means, which is, by priority:
1. Whatever the mods said it means
2. Whatever that tag means in common across the other major boorus
3. Whatever it seems to mean to people who have been using the tag
This is super-important because if an ambiguous or incorrect definition gets on the wiki then anyone looking up the tag definition for help is going to learn the wrong thing, possibly for a very long time, and images could start getting mis-tagged.

Beyond that there aren't a lot of hard and fast rules, just try and use existing articles as a guideline and leave the article better than you found it.

When in doubt, ask the mods. The official tag thread is a great place to ask about tag wiki edits, or to inform the mods of any tag wiki edits you've made so that they know what's going on and they can tell you if you've slipped up. <<|The most popular tags>> have gotten the most scrutiny on their wiki pages and so are the best exemplars.
08/14/16 07:26AM
Greasyi more or less covered it pretty well. Our only real guidelines to the wiki are "make it better", "be clear and informative", and "make sure you know you're not wrong before editing".


Pinkanator said:
How long can it be[...]

As long as it needs to be to sufficiently explain the topic. I mean, too long an explanation will just turn off users from reading it, so being succinct is a good idea.

Pinkanator said:
[...]should we link artist sources[...]

You found this out yourself. Moving on.

Pinkanator said:
[...]character owner sources[...]

We tend to only really define popular general tags or general tags with particular and important uses. But if we were to fill out a definition for an OC character tag, then sure, why not? That makes sense.

Pinkanator said:
[...]"The subject is squatting with hands pointed towards the crotch in a “V”." it the Hagure tag. That could definitely do with a contextual summary[...]

*laughs* There was an update to...PHP, I believe, at some point along the site's history. And a few bits of text - often something in quotes or the like - were converted into that jumbled mess. I don't even remember what word went there, or I'd have fixed it myself already.

Pinkanator said:
[...]should it be played straight, or is some level of humour acceptable?

It should be played straight as much as possible. Things need to be explained clearly, and humor often gets in the way of that. But I suppose a little harmless humor here or there where appropriate might not hurt.

08/14/16 07:36AM
Right, thanks for the clarification, you two. I'll try contributing soon.

Last thing, you didn't answer my question which I used Haigure as an example. For particularly questionable tags, which people are unclear on, Haigure being the prime example of the moment, should context be included? Because when the argument sparks, the context is the first thing brought up, ergo, it seems important to include.

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