08/14/16 10:05PM
What's You're Favorite Hairstyle?
I personally am very fond of the hime-cut or blunt bangs as it's referred to on Danbooru.

What's yours? It can be from anime or cartoons or reality so no worries there.
08/14/16 10:11PM
Either Inkling tentacles or Twi'lek lekku :P
08/14/16 10:14PM
Drill hair. Those giant over the top rigs just get to me in a strange way.
08/14/16 10:27PM
Style never really bothered me, but I like it when the hair is black or rainbow coloured.
08/14/16 10:53PM
I'm kinda fond of A-line and bob haircuts, or low ponytails.

[Also since the topic of color came up too, redheadssss]
08/14/16 11:05PM
Imasuky said:
Drill hair. Those giant over the top rigs just get to me in a strange way.

Drill hair best hair.
It's also spiral-shaped. We practically HAVE to love it.
08/14/16 11:29PM
Ponytails that show off the nape of the neck. I dunno why.
08/14/16 11:31PM
WhyWouldYouDoThat said:
Drill hair best hair.
It's also spiral-shaped. We practically HAVE to love it.

Imasuky said:
Drill hair. Those giant over the top rigs just get to me in a strange way.

Do you like you're drill hair in the front or the back?
08/15/16 12:02AM
LillyTank said:
Do you like you're drill hair in the front or the back?

08/15/16 12:17AM
LillyTank said:
Do you like you're drill hair in the front or the back?

Twintail drills best drills.
08/15/16 12:22AM
My own hair. Which as those of who know what I look like (all 3 of you) know is fluffy and marvellous

On girls I like pixie cuts as well as long loose hair. Twintails are wintails as well but I only know a couple of people who wear them :-(
08/15/16 05:06AM
08/15/16 05:12AM
One of my favourite hairstyles to draw is how I draw Hypno-tan's hair.

I do love a lot of other styles though.... It's hard to really choose!
08/15/16 05:14AM
I've always loved long hair on men. Long luscious lustrous locks, haha~
08/15/16 05:26AM
I like short, boyish cuts on girls most of the time, though I'm also very fond of ponytails. Hime cuts are also nice.
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