08/17/16 07:05AM
Thank you all so much. For those who ordered a commission. I
Will get to you asap!!!

(old post)
Hey Guys! I have good news and bad news.

bad News. My laptop has gone bye bye. got it in 2011 and now it's worthless (let this be a lesson kiddies, stay far away from macs)

Good news: I was looking into getting a new laptop anyways. Just not this soon. :/

I was doing some looking, and decided to research tablet pc's. I have my heart set on a surface pro 4. It has the exact power and features I am looking for in portability for work. The pen tool that comes with it is very responsive. Working in clip studio on it looks incredible. I've seen many videos.

WHY DON'T I HAVE IT?! ... oh right... no money :/

So that's why I come to you wonderful folks. I'm asking for either donations or commissions! If anyone would like to help me out. I would HEAVILY appreciate it. I need to be able to work away from my desk and deliver wonderful content to you folk! I currently need about 800-900 for the surface pro.
I eagerly await any form of response

Please note, I am not begging for money. Nobody is obligated to give me jackshit. I just figured I could ask
08/17/16 07:24AM
PenKen said:
Please note, I am not begging for money... I just figured I could ask


That said you're probably better off buying something like this:

Go to a store and see if you can find one to try out. You will probably like it as much as a SP4. SP4's extra processing power is for people working on intensive Adobe suite projects for the most part. CSP is below the threshold where you need to drop $1000 on something to work in it. That Toshiba has the same pressure sensitivity (2048) as the SP4, has a Wacom pen so it's just as responsive, and you can read a review of it here:

I own an SP4, and it's just not worth it for what you want.
08/17/16 07:28AM
Oh man, sorry to hear that! I would totally send some money your way, but unfortunately I have to buy food for my snake this week. I hope you're able to get the funds you need, though!
08/17/16 07:30AM
TakyonH said:

That said you're probably better off buying something like this:

Go to a store and see if you can find one to try out. You will probably like it as much as a SP4. SP4's extra processing power is for people working on intensive Adobe suite projects for the most part. CSP is below the threshold where you need to drop $1000 on something to work in it. That Toshiba has the same pressure sensitivity (2048) as the SP4, has a Wacom pen so it's just as responsive, and you can read a review of it here:

I own an SP4, and it's just not worth it for what you want.

oh! is this a windows 8 tablet? Basically I want something that's a tablet but has the power of a pc and operating system of one too. I'd be fine with a windows 8 tablet only because windows 8 was pretty much made for tablets. However that said. If I want it to last and do what I want it to. I MIGHT still need the SP4 because I plan to stream with it too.

And yeah, I'm sorry if the post started to sound a little scummy. I do prefer most peeps commission me rather than donate, It'll put the tablet to good use :P
08/18/16 06:42AM
I haven't tried streaming with the SP4, but I don't think it'd be capable of doing it at a good resolution. Mine can barely load up a mildly-complex low-poly model in Blender, so I'm guessing encoding a stream while drawing on a large canvas in CSP would be too much for either tablet. It says on the specs page that the dynaPad is Win10.
08/18/16 07:23AM
TakyonH said:
I haven't tried streaming with the SP4, but I don't think it'd be capable of doing it at a good resolution. Mine can barely load up a mildly-complex low-poly model in Blender, so I'm guessing encoding a stream while drawing on a large canvas in CSP would be too much for either tablet. It says on the specs page that the dynaPad is Win10.

If my crappy comp can do it, I'm POSITIVE the tablet can handle what I want it to do
08/18/16 07:46AM
Actually yeah I gave it a go and it looks like streaming works ok at 1920x1080 with a decent bitrate. That said I would still see if you can pick up a dynaPad locally and give it a shot. Can return it if it's not as capable of streaming. At worst, it doesn't work and you return it, best case you can save $400 or so.
08/18/16 07:55AM
TakyonH said:
Actually yeah I gave it a go and it looks like streaming works ok at 1920x1080 with a decent bitrate. That said I would still see if you can pick up a dynaPad locally and give it a shot. Can return it if it's not as capable of streaming. At worst, it doesn't work and you return it, best case you can save $400 or so.

only 2 gigs of ram :/ clip studio will definitely not run :(

I would try it out tho but i do not have $400 TnT
08/18/16 10:05AM
CSP certainly will run with 2 GB of RAM what the fuck my man
2 GB of RAM is actually what is recommended for the EX version, which is used for handling long complex animations
2GB of RAM is actually a shitload unless you are encoding video or rendering 3D stuff
And if you don't have $400 you can't get a SP4 either, I'm telling you it'd be better to stop collecting money halfway along to the SP4, get the dynaPad, see if it works for you, if not you return it and carry on
Like I have an SP4 and I'm saying it's definitely more than you need - yeah, it has its uses for people in some jobs, like you could pull up some shit in AutoCAD that would probably make a dynaPad chug, but if you just want a screen to draw on you don't need to panhandle $1000 for it
08/19/16 07:30AM
TakyonH said:
CSP certainly will run with 2 GB of RAM what the fuck my man
2 GB of RAM is actually what is recommended for the EX version, which is used for handling long complex animations
2GB of RAM is actually a shitload unless you are encoding video or rendering 3D stuff
And if you don't have $400 you can't get a SP4 either, I'm telling you it'd be better to stop collecting money halfway along to the SP4, get the dynaPad, see if it works for you, if not you return it and carry on
Like I have an SP4 and I'm saying it's definitely more than you need - yeah, it has its uses for people in some jobs, like you could pull up some shit in AutoCAD that would probably make a dynaPad chug, but if you just want a screen to draw on you don't need to panhandle $1000 for it

I actually decided to tone it down and go for the surface pro 3 and get the pen for it. It's a couple hundred dollars cheaper and has nearly the same specs.
08/19/16 09:22AM
SP3 has like 256 levels of pressure sensitivity
08/19/16 02:38PM
TakyonH said:
SP3 has like 256 levels of pressure sensitivity

The pen it comes with is 256 levels. The sp4's pen works on the sp3
08/20/16 03:36AM
Okay this is your last bit of help on this you're on your own from here
08/20/16 04:30AM
TakyonH said:
Okay this is your last bit of help on this you're on your own from here

wound up finding out I made a mistake anyways, I was looking at a surface 3, not a pro. Thanks microsoft for making your products confusing as fuck.... so i'm back to square goddamn one
08/20/16 04:57AM
PenKen said:
Hey Guys! I have good news and bad news.

let this be a lesson kiddies, stay far away from macs

Woah woah hey, my mom's had the same outdated Macbook for like 6 years and uses it constantly, it's her work computer, and it still runs fine. You can diss a Mac for a lot of things, but dissing it because it doesn't work after five years is a load of it. Macs are actually known for lasting longer than PCs anyways. Sorry if I sound aggressive but as a Mac user I've grown easily irritated at people who blame their computer issues on a Mac because "It's a Mac".
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