08/17/16 11:16PM
Is this site legit?
08/17/16 11:24PM
It looks like a time machine to the 90s.
08/17/16 11:38PM
Legit in what way?
08/17/16 11:42PM
Contorted said:
Legit in what way?

Will it fill their computer with viruses, is the question, I think?
08/17/16 11:54PM
Pastel-Daemon said:
Will it fill their computer with viruses, is the question, I think?

No. It's legit.
08/18/16 12:51AM
Legit, if you mean "safe".

If you mean "is the hypnosis legit?" No. Hell no.
08/18/16 12:51AM
I think he's talking about if the content is actual hypnosis or not.

08/18/16 12:58AM
I don't recommend buying a subscription to this site. It's just me personally, but I don't think the actual hypnosis is that great most of the time, and I don't think the occasionally decent video is worth the asking price.
08/18/16 01:05AM
I don´t know if it´s legit but the cumming soon like that have made me laught
08/18/16 01:23AM
If you don't mind the spam, maybe you should check
Quite a few videos there are just roleplaying hypnosis, but there are a few with actual trances that are decent.
The ads there I have to say are VERY intrusive.
08/18/16 02:43AM
Christina said:
If you don't mind the spam, maybe you should check -snip-
Quite a few videos there are just roleplaying hypnosis, but there are a few with actual trances that are decent.
The ads there I have to say are VERY intrusive.

Okay, no. That is a bad site. I gave it a try and it requires you to turn off adblocker and one of the popups gave me an un-closable window claiming my operating system is totally defective and I need to call their phone number to fix it. I had to use the task manager to shut down my entire browser, which I do not like to have to do.
08/18/16 02:55AM
Changer said:
Okay, no. That is a bad site. I gave it a try and it requires you to turn off adblocker and one of the popups gave me an un-closable window claiming my operating system is totally defective and I need to call their phone number to fix it. I had to use the task manager to shut down my entire browser, which I do not like to have to do.

fist thing is contact the site owner, maybe they didnt know malware ads were being shown
08/18/16 03:01AM
crazyman said:
fist thing is contact the site owner, maybe they didnt know malware ads were being shown

I feel like punching them may be a little extreme.
08/18/16 03:43AM
crazyman said:
fist thing is contact the site owner, maybe they didnt know malware ads were being shown

Maybe I'm weird but, personally, I feel that if they are going to force their users to drop adblock, they aught to be extremely careful about the ads they put on. None of that "it's a network we don't control directly" stuff you might get from other sites. If they require you to drop your protection from malware laden ads, they should make absolutely sure no malware gets approved for their site. If they want to be lazy about it and auto-approve ads, they should not require adblock be disabled.

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