08/23/16 07:50AM
So About that New Pokemon Sandygast

"If you headlessly grab a Sandygast's shovel, you'll fall under the pokemon's control."

and then there's its evolved form.


"Palossand controls human adults, making them build a sand castle that provides camouflage and also raises its defensive abilities"

I think something in my loins stirred when I read those. I eagerly await the coming of sand castle mind control smut.
08/23/16 08:01AM
Ok who here is secertly woking on the new pokemon games, I know it's someone on this site.

That's the only explanation for why so many pokemon mess with peoples heads.
08/23/16 08:10AM
Imasuky said:
Ok who here is secertly woking on the new pokemon games, I know it's someone on this site.

That's the only explanation for why so many pokemon mess with peoples heads.

yeah i understand some pokemon do it but the list of pokemon that can control minds is growing extremely large to the point on which i doubt the pokedex is reliable.
08/23/16 09:50AM
Yo does this mean more swimsuits? Fuck yeah, I am absolutely behind making hypnoporn of a fucking sand castle.
08/23/16 03:47PM
Okay, first I liked because sandcastle. Now I loooooooove.

But take this to the Sun and Moon thread XP
08/23/16 04:57PM
*Is jotting all this down for picture ideas, and then whistles innocently*
08/23/16 06:42PM
Is it safe to nuke from orbit? Because Sand turned into glass looks fucking beautiful.
08/23/16 11:29PM
someguy231 said:
Is it safe to nuke from orbit? Because Sand turned into glass looks fucking beautiful.

But on a serious note, I'm now thinking that someone from here may have given Gamefreak some ideas and shit.
08/24/16 12:30AM
someguy231 said:
But on a serious note, I'm now thinking that someone from here may have given Gamefreak some ideas and shit.

I guarantee someone from Nintendo found this site and realized they loved it.
08/24/16 12:51AM
There have been MC-friendly Pokemon ever since Gen I. Drowzee and Hypno, obviously. Polywag/whirl/wrath have hypnotic spirals on their bellies. Paras/Parasect are brain-controlling parasitic fungi and the bugs they control. Mewtwo was shown puppeteering a Nurse Joy with psychic powers in the first movie.

It's a long tradition, and there've been additions to that list in most generations. I'm not sure it means anyone on the team is a MC fetishist, though -- MC is one of those things that can be cool but creepy to anyone, and it shows up in nature, in ghost stories, in any list of psychic powers, and all those things have been influences on Pokemon. It's definitely something we can appreciate, though!
08/24/16 12:55AM
This sounds like serious loli/shota bait.
08/24/16 12:57AM
I'd like to take this opportunity to point out that we're talking about an evil possessed hypnotic sandcastle here... Even for this fetish, does this not strike you guys as a little odd...
08/24/16 01:01AM
JksAccount said:
I'd like to take this opportunity to point out that we're talking about an evil possessed hypnotic sandcastle here... Even for this fetish, does this not strike you guys as a little odd...

Not really, I mean I'm sure most of us have thought up things just as strange.
08/24/16 01:57AM
I'm surprised noone has pointed out that typo I made in the first post. I'll keep it there for posterity.
08/24/16 01:59AM
jacethenewguy said:
I'm surprised noone has pointed out that typo I made in the first post. I'll keep it there for posterity.

I noticed it, but didn't want to draw attention to it. We're taught not to feed the typos, lest they escape from their cages hungering for the blood of Grammar Nazis such as myself.
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