08/23/16 11:34PM
Searching someone who takes hypno drawing requests
Ok, so I've searched far and wide but haven't found anyone, I'm trying my luck here. I'm searching for someone who takes hypnotic DRAWING requests, this doesn't mean adding captions or editing a photo, I mean drawing! (have to say that since a lot of people confuse it with adding captions when I say that -.- ) The basic idea would be a haigure pic of a certain girl. I assume I don't have to explain what Haigure is, I hope I'm allowed to ask/post this here, if I'm not, then my apologies.
08/24/16 04:28AM
Have you tried asking on one of the hypno groups on DeviantArt? :)
08/24/16 05:38AM
So it's like a commission, except they're not being paid. Good luck =P

It's already pretty difficult to get someone to accept a request on the manip request thread, and you're asking for someone to do something that (generally) requires much more time and effort than making a manip.
08/24/16 05:48AM
Would a 3D render do? No promises, (especially if as noted I'm not getting paid) but I've got an unfinished haigure scene on my harddrive, and might be able to give you what you want, depending on who you have in mind. I assume she's some fictional character?
08/24/16 12:03PM
voyer said:
Would a 3D render do? No promises, (especially if as noted I'm not getting paid) but I've got an unfinished haigure scene on my harddrive, and might be able to give you what you want, depending on who you have in mind. I assume she's some fictional character?

A 3D render would do, I'll send you the details
08/25/16 11:56AM
Hello, there!

I am an artist, as exemplified here: cookecanvas.com/

Howerver, that isn't what you're looking for, so let me point towards a silly haigure comic (hand made, hand inked) that I am just about to finish, as soon as I can scan the bloody thing.


Due to the nature of the comic (done quickly and without much planning), the breadth of my draftmanship cannot be seen. Towards that, I'd like to point to one of my most recent images, a fun little rodent playing a ukelele: iancooketapia.tumblr.com/...-keep-this-one-secret-for

Hope it is helpful.

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