08/24/16 05:59AM
Looking for hypothesis session
My research team is running short of our yearly quota and we need some fresh ideas on things we could investigate. Anyone up for some brainstorming?
08/24/16 06:02AM
YouAreARobotNow said:
My research team is running short of our yearly quota and we need some fresh ideas on things we could investigate. Anyone up for some brainstorming?

Have you tried studying passive aggression?

08/24/16 06:08AM
YouAreARobotNow said:
My research team is running short of our yearly quota and we need some fresh ideas on things we could investigate. Anyone up for some brainstorming?

In all seriousness, after hearing how people here have developed the fetish from watching the scene with Kaa in the Jungle Book, I actually saw the movie <<|Tickled>> today with a friend of mine in the city. Was... Really bizarre to say the least.

Anyway, there was a scene where they interviewed a guy that made his profession out of his fetish, where he'd film all sorts of people being tickled and then featured em on his site (the person who did this was not the one featured in the trailer; he was actually a nice enough guy it seemed). What's interesting was how he pointed out that his fetish originated early on in his life as a 5-6 year old, from watching cartoons of characters being tickled. And now that has me wondering, what exactly is the connection between the media we consume early on, and the fetishes we come to develop because of them...?
08/24/16 06:23AM
Pinkanator said:
Have you tried studying passive aggression?


No butt hat gave me a chuck legg?
08/24/16 06:32AM
YouAreARobotNow said:
No butt hat gave me a chuck legg?

No but that gave me chuckle gg.
08/24/16 06:38AM
Imasuky said:
No but that gave me chuckle gg.

(I know.)
08/24/16 06:39AM
Well if the topic I suggested isn't fitting, anything you're looking for in particular...?
08/24/16 06:43AM
RedCollarBlackCollar said:
Well if the topic I suggested isn't fitting, anything you're looking for in particular...?

What, you thought this thread was even slightly serious?
08/24/16 06:48AM
RedCollarBlackCollar said:

And now that has me wondering, what exactly is the connection between the media we consume early on, and the fetishes we come to develop because of them...?

I've always been curious about this myself, because I developed my hypno-kink at an early age as well. I was three when I first saw The Jungle Book, and the Kaa scenes always made me feel 'funny'--it wasn't until many years later that I realized exactly what that meant, so when I was young and the scenes would come on I would hide from them or fast-forward them, especially with other people in the room, because the feeling confused me. We once watched The Jungle Book as a class in second grade and that felt like the most awkward thing of all time for me. XD
08/24/16 06:49AM
YouAreARobotNow said:
What, you thought this thread was even slightly serious?

Given that it's against the rules to post shitposts without purpose now, yes. If it's not then it will be locked promptly.
08/24/16 06:51AM
bellchan said:
Given that it's against the rules to post shitposts without purpose now, yes. If it's not then it will be locked promptly.

It's a protest thread against people making threads looking for sessions. There's better places for that.

And for what it's worth it seems to have also spawned a more serious discussion so there's that.
08/24/16 07:12AM
YouAreARobotNow said:
What, you thought this thread was even slightly serious?

Eh, maybe...[shrug]
08/24/16 09:11AM
YouAreARobotNow said:
It's a protest thread against people making threads looking for sessions. There's better places for that.

And for what it's worth it seems to have also spawned a more serious discussion so there's that.

there are better places for that but at the same rate you can't stop someone from coming in and asking a question all that well, the same thing happens with pretty much any forum with new people, especially a place like this that's usually a first stop so to speak for a lot of people, especially considering that you have to make an account anyways to favorite an image, at least that's my thinking.

RedCollarBlackCollar said:
And now that has me wondering, what exactly is the connection between the media we consume early on, and the fetishes we come to develop because of them...?

Sometimes I wonder the same, and I like to think there's a connection there because I feel as though I've definitely developed interests from things I used to watch or read etc. No idea if there's anything scientific behind it, but I can definitely attest to that.
08/24/16 09:40AM
ayylamao said:
there are better places for that but at the same rate you can't stop someone from coming in and asking a question all that well, the same thing happens with pretty much any forum with new people, especially a place like this that's usually a first stop so to speak for a lot of people, especially considering that you have to make an account anyways to favorite an image, at least that's my thinking.

To add on to this, I would say the best solution would be a seperate section for, or at least have links to other sites in the important threads/new to hypnohub sections.

Also unrelated but I finally remembered the password to my old account yay
08/24/16 11:20AM
I think the obvious solution is just to set up a General Hypnosis Requests/Questions thread, in order to prevent new threads from being conjured up whenever someone new finds the site and wants to ask.
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