08/24/16 01:18PM
I just had an incredible idea, and I need to know if its been done before.
It's just a spur of the moment type thing, but I had a really neat idea. So recently, I got my mitts on a Google Cardboard, (Which, for the uninitiated, is a super cheap VR headset you slot your phone into) and have been thoroughly enjoying it, despite mediocre image quality due to my 720p phone.

But I just thought today, what if, I made an app with subliminal messages over a VR spiral, that plays a self hypnosis file of your choice in the background. The genuine 3D of the spiral would make it far more effective than the mere optical illusion fare you get on a 2D plane. What I wanna know is, do you guys reckon its been done before, and if I did make it and put it up for free somewhere, would anyone actually be into the idea?
08/24/16 03:04PM
Well, there's <<|this>>. I'm not sure they're implementing 3-dimensional spirals, though. I'm guessing it would have be to something like sitting inside a rotating sphere, looking at its <<|loxodrome>>. The equator would be awfully boring, but well... you can always have the spiral chase the player's view cone.

If you could actually navigate the spiral like a spherical video, I reckon it would get some attention, if not for the cheer novelty of the idea. I would be interested, for sure!

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