08/25/16 08:03PM
Hey, I'm new to this whole hypnosis thing, but I'm very interested in both general and erotic hypnosis, something shared by my lover, but I don't know which sources in particular should be used, or trusted, and I also have no money. My lover is almost never nearby, since we don't live within even driving distance, and I want to be able to hypnotize them via text, or, if that's impossible, then via webcam and a mic.

So first order of business; what resources would you recommend for both general hypnosis, and erotic hypnosis, given these limiting factors I have to deal with? Books, sites, videos, et cetera, all are welcome, and I'd love the help.

Secondly, is there any way to hypnotize someone via text, and if so, how?

Are there any long term effects of hypnosis that are irreversible or difficult to reverse? Are these side effects negative? Potentially so? Is it even a good idea to hypnotize someone without doing so in person first?

I'll add on as necessary, thanks!

The one whose name is quite suitable,
Piqued Interest
08/25/16 08:13PM
Hello. I'm somebody who isn't very helpful when it comes to this topic but just happened to be here, so meh.

PiquedInterest said:
So first order of business; what resources would you recommend for both general hypnosis, and erotic hypnosis, given these limiting factors I have to deal with? Books, sites, videos, et cetera, all are welcome, and I'd love the help.

<<hypno.nimja.com/visual|This website, Nimja>> allows you to use and customise some fancy looking spirally effects that you could in theory use in a hypnosis session.

PiquedInterest said:
Secondly, is there any way to hypnotize someone via text, and if so, how?

I think so, and some people here have apparently hypnotised people/went under through text communication. <<hypnohub.net/forum/show/8785|We even have a thread of such chatlogs.>>

PiquedInterest said:
Are there any long term effects of hypnosis that are irreversible or difficult to reverse? Are these side effects negative? Potentially so? Is it even a good idea to hypnotize someone without doing so in person first?

Depending on what you're doing and saying, there shouldn't be any issue if you're careful. (I think...) In any case, I don't think attempting hypnosis over the internet conveys an increased risk than doing it in person.

PiquedInterest said:
The one whose name is quite suitable,
Piqued Interest

Well played.
08/25/16 09:14PM
Hi, thanks for being so prompt and helpful! It's not much, but it's certainly more than I had. Thanks for the embedded links-at least, I think that's what those are. And thanks! I'm thinking of using it as a sign-off phrase, since I guess some people do that?

Anyhow, thanks again! I'll keep the thread open in case someone else wants to help, and for any newcomers who also stumble upon this site.

The one whose name is quite suitable,
Piqued Interest

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