08/31/16 02:34AM
Cheap Charitable Character Comms

>>Please read EVERYTHING if you're willing to take me up on my offer<<

Alright, so while I was considering posting this after I'd make my ridiculous Doms + Subs image (still WIP gonna take forever), <<|this forum post>> has me wanting to step up and help do something about users that have very few or pretty much no artwork of their OCs on here. There's that, and then there's my willingness to help out Mindwipe.

So what are you proposing?
While I don't have a lot of work here, I am an actual artist irl. I have my (kinda dumb) reasons for not posting much here, but that's another story for another time...
Anyhow, I'm offering to make simple drawings of people's OCs for a bare minimum of $5. Paying anything more than that is up to you, as all funds will go to the GoFundMe linked above within MW's forum post. Because these are pretty cheap yet hoping to do a good job with each of em, I'm hoping to limit it for now to 8-10 requests (so don't take too long, otherwise ya might miss out on my offer).

What are the limits to what I can request?
>One character only
>Male or female humanoid (pls no furries)
>Upper-Half body only (unless lower half's needed, like OC being naga or mermaid. We can discuss that further if need be)
>Text/speech bubbles are allowed and encouraged
>Objects being held/used are allowed

What do you like/dislike/prefer drawing subject-wise?
I like drawing cute characters essentially, but something dark/gritty I can always give a shot. Some forms of dark humor is the best content I adore :3

>Monster characters (again, naga/lamia, mermaid, bunny girl, mimic, succubus/demon, etc.)
>Interesting features like horns, antlers, tentacles, sharp teeth, etc.
>Age play or pet play (if possible tho pls no scat, but not absolutely against it...)

>Intense Gore
>Intense Lactation/Ejaculation

[bPast work posted around the Hub for reference:[/b]

Alright, so how do we take you up on your offer?
DM me on the Hub to lmk you're interested, so that we can discuss specifically what you have in mind. Once we've come to an agreement, I'll ask you for your email to send a pencil sketch. If you approve of it, at that point is when I'd want you to pay to the gofundme page. After I confirm you've payed, I'll finish the inking and coloring to send your way when I can. I haven't done a ton of comm work before, that and school's just started up few days ago, so I do apologize in advance if the work takes some time to do.

And so yeah, hope this helps some of you guys out. Seriously tho, don't make the request in this forum thread, DM me about it. And if you have any questions, feel free to ask here in the thread.

08/31/16 02:56AM
I don't have any OCs, so I probably won't request anything, but I have a question for clarification purposes: Do the images have to contain MC/MC themes?
08/31/16 03:02AM
JksAccount said:
I don't have any OCs, so I probably won't request anything, but I have a question for clarification purposes: Do the images have to contain MC/MC themes?

For the sake of posting it on the Hub then yes, otherwise it doesn't really matter...
08/31/16 11:23AM
Your art style is definitely unique, and pretty cute. XD

Like I mentioned in a separated thread, I'll get in contact with you over a commission next week. I just want to get settled into my classes for the new semester and take stock of what I have left over from financial aid. If I don't get in contact with you by a week from today, PM me. Sometimes I forget.
09/01/16 02:06AM
A special thanks to RCBC for this super nice thing he's doing. This is wonderful.
09/01/16 02:14AM
DrgnmastrAlex said:
Your art style is definitely unique, and pretty cute. XD

Like I mentioned in a separated thread, I'll get in contact with you over a commission next week. I just want to get settled into my classes for the new semester and take stock of what I have left over from financial aid. If I don't get in contact with you by a week from today, PM me. Sometimes I forget.

I'll do why I can, my memory kinda sucks as well :/

Mindwipe said:
A special thanks to RCBC for this super nice thing he's doing. This is wonderful.


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