09/01/16 08:44AM
retake youtube
Youtube has begun to censor voices it doesn't agree with... we must strike back. ddos them, start petitions, stage protests make angry videos hack them dislike bomb/flag as many youtube spotlight and sjw videos spam them with mailspread the word to everyone on 4chan reddit etc. do anything to show them we mean business.*

*if you take any illegal action just remember that it's your choice and you must be prepared to face consequences
09/01/16 08:49AM
...pardon, but what? Youtube has been criticized by content creators, but where on earth is all this sudden call for action coming from? Was there something specific that set you off, or someone you follow? I don't agree with SJWs that saturate whatever they join with hate and hypocrisy, but hacking, mass flagging...must you insist we stoop down to their level?
09/01/16 09:18AM
Bobbette said:
...pardon, but what? Youtube has been criticized by content creators, but where on earth is all this sudden call for action coming from?

its because youtube is actually taking action and in following the terms of service.

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