09/04/16 08:26AM
Who is Hypno-Tan? 20/20 with your host, waverun.
Hello and good evening, morning, or afternoon, and welcome to this first ever story of 20/20 on Hypno-Hub. I'm your host, waverun, and I will be talking about the possible identity, abilities, and backstory of a certain special character who has touched the hearts, minds, and most of all, fetishes and inspirations, of the online internet community: Hypno-Tan. Let's get started.

So just who is this popular internet icon known as Hypno-Tan? What is her story? What is she capable of? Not many people know much about the character called Hypno-Tan other than the fact of her being a mascot for the internet hypnosis image-booru site called "Hypno-Hub" . However, that hasn't stopped the people from dedicating their time, energy, patience, skills, and technology into creating tributes to this character.
With many tributes going all the way from fan-art, to numerous theories and comments, even to an actual game about her putting her virtually in your hands and mouse, Hypno-Tan has become quite popular, yet still not known, to the entirety, of the internet just yet. Only a portion, of the thousands of things in this giant web of search, software, and soaring creativity and community, has been touched by the knowledge and existence of Hypno-Tan, and to an extent, the site she represents.
Hypno-Hub, the site Hypno-Tan is the sole mascot of, is an image-booru site mainly focused on hypnosis-themed content and images, with only one exception, being on the holiday of April-Fools. With a forum, chat-site, a help page, and a massive posts page where all the images can be viewed, it most certainly is known to any internet lurkers who have a manic, or small, interest and/or fascination in hypnosis.
But while even the mere concept of hypnosis is certainly celebrated via this internet website, it seems like it's mascot, poor Hypno-Tan, doesn't get hardly enough credit just yet. Which is exactly why I, waverun, am covering the idea behind Hypno-Tan's possible story, psyche, and maybe, just maybe, superhuman powers.
Hypno-Tan may have long been just an idea, but that hasn't stopped many people from making content about her, from theories to art to games, and yet still, we don't know exactly who she really is.
So, I am going to be talking about who Hypno-Tan is, and what she is, or could be, capable of. My theory, is that Hypno-Tan is not just an idea, or an image created out of boredom- - but a real person from another dimension, similar to ours in almost every way, except she exists, and is the only one to have supernatural powers in it's modern world of Earth. A person that we just happened to find out through our curiosity and belief, that WE came up with her existence.
And her powers? Yes, they are hypnosis-related. Being able to hypnotize anyone in any way, and gain complete, absolute control over their minds, bodies, and everything within, from bones to veins, to blood, semen, heart-rate, and brain cells. And gaining the ability to twist her commands into reality, making anyone under her control, truly able to do absolutely ANYTHING she says. From becoming superhuman-levels of strong, to gaining healing powers and no need for oxygen or air, but still an ability to breathe it, if you're under Hypno-Tan's control, you can literally do anything. But that hasn't stopped her from suffering either.
You see, I believe that in Hypno-Tan's life, she was abused as a child, her Father beat her five to twelve times a week for 7 years before finally being arrested for child abuse for seven years, and later, after he broke out of prison 8 days later, the murder of Hypno-Tan's Mother, for which he was arrested again in a day. And Hypno-Tan's desire for it all to stop, is exactly what caused her complete change in pure ability. Hypno-Tan, finally getting her wish through sheer hope for 7 years that her dad would see the light of justices swift touch, gained the supernatural ability to bend her will into other people, in any way she wants, 5 days after her Father's first arrest.
Every night since then, she has visited, and continues to visit her Mother's grave, bringing roses, cross necklaces, and even candles and placing them at the feet of her Mother's tombstone, knowing God granted her a better place at last. But just what has she been doing with her newfound powers? Well, Hypno-Tan decided out of paranoia to not let her Mother be a victim to any abuse or crime herself. She used her power on her mother a year prior to her death in order to assure that one day, she will return if she is ever to be murdered, giving her mother a random return in heart-rate and returning functionality of all of the brain if she ever were to die, and even the ability to call back the soul from the dead successfully. Now in her spare time, Hypno-Tan calmly and patiently waits for her Mother's return. And with 7 years to make up, Hypno-Tan has been using them to make her life, a better one. Gaining her bachelor's degree in 2011, Hypno-Tan went on to become a successful hypno-therapist, under the nickname "Hypnosia" . Wanting to better the lives of others, while making her own life better as well, Hypno-Tan has even bettered the life of her ex, Awake-San, who despised Hypno-Tan's power, for she felt a strong belief that hypnosis and free-will combined lead to corruption; developing a former addiction to caffeine in order to stay "awake" , and a former hobby of publicly protesting against even the idea that hypnosis is good. But now, even she has been cured by Hypnosia's magic touch. Hypno-Tan now continues to better the lives of people in Her version of Earth, in whatever kind of dimension she resides in. Making everyone's lives better, and even desiring to enact the hypno-sub fetishes of those she helps; for she is UN-prejudiced, treats everyone equally and with kindness, and desires ALL to be happy. Wherever she is now, let's hope that she can make you happy too. I'm waverun, and this has been the first ever episode of 20/20, on Hypno-Hub, have a good day/afternoon/night, and a good life. Thank you.
09/04/16 09:03AM
waverun said:
...You see, I believe that in Hypno-Tan's life, she was abused as a child, her Mother was killed by her Father, and her Father beat her five to twelve times a week for 7 years before finally being arrested for child abuse for seven years, and murder, and her desire for it all to stop, is exactly what caused her complete change in pure ability. Hypno-Tan, finally getting her wish through sheer hope for 7 years that her dad would see the light of justices swift touch, gained the supernatural ability to bend her will into other people, in any way she wants, 5 days after her Father's arrest.

Dafuq is this =____=
09/04/16 09:19AM
RedCollarBlackCollar said:
Dafuq is this =____=

Do you SERIOUSLY have to have a negative attitude towards EVERYTHING that I do?!

It's a multiverse with INFINITE possibilities! There is NO END to what could happen! Quit being my living anchor-weight of negativity! And no, I DON'T wish bad things to happen to her!
09/04/16 09:25AM
waverun said:
And her powers? Yes, they are hypnosis-related. Being able to hypnotize anyone in any way, and gain complete, absolute control over their minds, bodies, and everything within, from bones to veins, to blood, semen, heart-rate, and brain cells. And gaining the ability to twist her commands into reality, making anyone under her control, truly able to do absolutely ANYTHING she says. From becoming superhuman-levels of strong, to gaining healing powers and no need for oxygen or air, but still an ability to breathe it, if you're under Hypno-Tan's control, you can literally do anything. But that hasn't stopped her from suffering either.

You see, I believe that in Hypno-Tan's life, she was abused as a child, her Mother was killed by her Father

Nonono, Hypno-tan's <<hypnohub.net/post/show/17...ther_and_sister-curly_hai|mother>> still lives. Perhaps she hypnotized her to come back to life?
09/04/16 09:31AM
waverun said:
Do you SERIOUSLY have to have a negative attitude towards EVERYTHING that I do?!

It's a multiverse with INFINITE possibilities! There is NO END to what could happen! Quit being my living anchor-weight of negativity! And no, I DON'T wish bad things to happen to her!

I mean everything else was kinda whatever, I took no issue with it, but that part was just a serious curveball outta nowhere. Like idc it's you coming up with it, if anyone else did I'd still say "dafuq is this?!"

EDIT: Ya know what, I'm aware the forums can break out into arguments and be generally unpleasant, and as much I should help avoid that, fuck it.
You have no right calling me your "living anchor-weight of negativity!" Like you think I enjoyed telling you to stop making excuses for your inability to actually follow anyone's advice with for drawing? And since when have I ever said anything on those forum posts you keep making (like today's) where you ask for some, or rather ANY random girl to hypnotize that just get deleted in no time? Even with the manip, I never attacked nor even addressed you personally; I simply just took issue with the source material being used.

So if ya wanna hate me I can care less, but stop thinking I'm trying to just pull ya down all the time when you should know better.
09/04/16 10:52AM
can hypno-tan just be a cute girl please

why does she have to be abused
09/04/16 11:04AM
Monochrome said:
can hypno-tan just be a cute girl please

why does she have to be abused


Does she need a dark and gritty reboot?

In my mind Tan is a bright, happy and slightly ditzy young woman with an (un)fortunate habit of trying to solve everything with hypnosis. She can be a little selfish but cares for her friends a lot.

Of course that's just my interpretation (The one that appears in HypnoHub Theatre)
09/04/16 12:25PM
EdgeOfTheMoon said:

Does she need a dark and gritty reboot?

In my mind Tan is a bright, happy and slightly ditzy young woman with an (un)fortunate habit of trying to solve everything with hypnosis. She can be a little selfish but cares for her friends a lot.

Of course that's just my interpretation (The one that appears in HypnoHub Theatre)

I support this. Although if she did have a dark and gritty reboot I for one believe that she'd be a brooding superhero like Batman. I guess Erika would be the Punisher given the skull on the shirt then >_>
09/04/16 12:36PM
strangeperson said:
I support this. Although if she did have a dark and gritty reboot I for one believe that she'd be a brooding superhero like Batman. I guess Erika would be the Punisher given the skull on the shirt then >_>

can i be penance
09/04/16 02:06PM
Hypno-Team: Origins

Next there will be Crystal's story, where she was abused by a "friend" over a Skype chat, and forced to sell her body and send her master the money, also she got pregnant and an old lady cursed her child and it came out as a dead monster and she burned her Khal husband but she was dead all along and the noises we heard in the house were the living people that she couldn't see cuz she was a ghost.
09/04/16 03:59PM
I honestly can't tell if the whole real other dimensional person thing is something you actually believe or just part of some little story.

Seriously though, please stop, applying your own narrative to someone else's character to this extent is really sort of disrespectful, and I'm surprised Edge didn't have anything to say about you involving awake-san in this ridiculous narrative.

Psi said:
Hypno-Team: Origins

Next there will be Crystal's story, where she was abused by a "friend" over a Skype chat, and forced to sell her body and send her master the money, also she got pregnant and an old lady cursed her child and it came out as a dead monster and she burned her Khal husband but she was dead all along and the noises we heard in the house were the living people that she couldn't see cuz she was a ghost.

Oh god is that last bit a reference to 'The Others'?
09/04/16 04:16PM
Um... Ok.
09/04/16 05:33PM
Just to clear everything up, this is all in my beliefs and theories. No rudeness intended, I just want to clear up what or who I believe Hypno-Tan is, no official confirmation from anyone that this is how it really is. Just my beliefs and theories that I wanted to put in a certain style since I've never seen any important sort-of story or backstory for Hypno-Tan created besides the Hypno-Team comics which doesn't really tell much about her other than a superhero-like role given due to theories or ideas which led to inspiration.
I WAS gong to make a fanfiction about her but now I feel it's just not worth it, because some people *cough* *cough* Pastel-Daemon *cough* *cough* don't seem to approve of my beliefs and ideas. I only wanted to give this character what she never had... or what she may have always had that just wasn't known to us... a story of her own.

And I do apologize to the original creator of Hypno-Tan if I am expressing my ideas on who she could be if she really isn't just an idea for an logo image; to which I only fear that could likely be all the creator intended her to be.

Once again I apologize for any rudeness or dark graphic ideas I've had for Hypno-Tan, but I feel that no-one is relatable if they haven't had some kind, even some small kind, of dark parts of their lives. Maybe I made too big of a dark part for Hypno-Tan. Sorry.

And the inclusion of Awake-San was for the same reason. Despite the one difference from Hypno-Tan being that people here seem to hate her, she is assumed to be just a mascot for an image-booru that photoshops out hypnosis according to EdgeOfTheMoon on this image hypnohub.net/post/show/31...-bird-black_hair-blonde_h , so I figured why not give her a story as well since EdgeOfTheMoon kind of did the same thing...
Sorry if I offended anyone, especially to the creator of Hypno-Tan and Awake-San, and I apologize for any inconvenience or disturbances I have caused with this post.
09/04/16 05:52PM
waverun said:
...or what she may have always had that just wasn't known to us... a story of her own.

And I do apologize to the original creator of Hypno-Tan if I am expressing my ideas on who she could be if she really isn't just an idea for an logo image; to which I only fear that could likely be all the creator intended her to be.

Once again I apologize for any rudeness or dark graphic ideas I've had for Hypno-Tan, but I feel that no-one is relatable if they haven't had some kind, even some small kind, of dark parts of their lives. Maybe I made too big of a dark part for Hypno-Tan. Sorry.

I honestly woulda never piped up as it just seemed like an innocent enough post about the Hub's iconic character. But as you can see, people don't take, ya know... A lovable character we've made lotsa cute art of here apparently going through years of abuse from her own father + having her Mother killed by him. Dark imagery isn't the problem, and it's not even offensive. You gotta understand that nobody here finds it remotely "relatable," nor can really run with the idea given how outlandish it and extreme ya made it. Dark imagery CAN be interesting, but this is clearly not the way to go about it. You're free to make your own interpretations + fanfics, but just note that taking that specific approach got you negative responses for a reason.
09/04/16 05:56PM
In the meantime, this raised a question in my head that I didn't know the answer to. Who actually created Hypno-Tan?
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