09/04/16 09:11AM
Browser hijack ads
I hope I'm not the only person this has happened to, because if it is I'm breaking a forum rule...

How many other people have had, here on the hub, when they try to view any post, their browser suddenly redirects to some ad site? Whatever is causing it, I doubt anyone here at the hub is responsible, because it is ruining my hub experience!

If you are being harassed by Hijack ads, please say something here!
09/04/16 09:14AM

Although your thread title is much more representative. And of course someone on the Hub is responsible. Slayerduck.
09/04/16 10:00AM
Mindwipe said:

Although your thread title is much more representative. And of course someone on the Hub is responsible. Slayerduck.

Well it seems like Slayerduck needs to get these Hijack ads under control because they're ruining my hub experience and driving me so crazy I feel like quiting the hub in enraged frustration!

I literally can't look at any of the art because every time I try, I get hijacked and have to back so hard I'm at the hub's main page!

I'm not asking for no ads, I'm just asking for the hijack ads to go away.
09/04/16 01:50PM
The issue happens to me when I visit, but at least that site is kind enough to do it in a pop up rather than full tab redirection.
09/04/16 04:44PM
duplicate of

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