09/06/16 07:08PM
Good TV Shows
Post ya good TV shows 'n shit and talk about 'em.

I just finished Bojack Horseman. Fantastic series, a highly accurate representation of depression and a fascinating character study, as well as a wonderful comedy.
09/06/16 07:38PM
Hannibal was a work of art and the world is lesser for it since its been canceled.
09/06/16 08:15PM
Contorted said:
Hannibal was a work of art and the world is lesser for it since its been canceled.

I heard it was a bit silly, but I'll give it a watch on your recommendation.
09/06/16 08:20PM
Personmang said:
I heard it was a bit silly, but I'll give it a watch on your recommendation.

Season 3 gets a little overboard with how artsy it can get, but overall, it was one of the most beautiful and gruesome shows out there. What starts off as a highly stylish procedural murderer of the week drama turns into a surreal mishmash of horror, gorn, homosexual subtext and food porn.

Highly recommended.
09/06/16 09:40PM
Oh man, I finished Bojack not too long ago too. The last two episodes of season 3 wrecked me for a while, lemme tell you.

This is going to sound cliche at this point, but if you haven't watched it yet, seriously check out Breaking Bad. I was skeptical of it at first because of the drug angle (I find that most people are, actually) so I didn't watch it until years after it finished airing, but I was pleasantly surprised to find that it's so much deeper and better than I could have ever imagined.

I'd also recommend Stranger Things. Awesome '80s nostalgia aside, it's just a great story with terrific acting, especially from the kid characters. And Winona Ryder!
09/06/16 09:52PM
geekgirl8 said:
Oh man, I finished Bojack not too long ago too. The last two episodes of season 3 wrecked me for a while, lemme tell you.

I had to watch a few episodes of Bob's Burgers to recover afterwards ;-;

Bob's Burgers is good BTW!
09/06/16 11:56PM
Dark Matter is good if you like sci-fi.
09/07/16 12:28AM
EdgeOfTheMoon said:
I had to watch a few episodes of Bob's Burgers to recover afterwards ;-;

Bob's Burgers is good BTW!

Love Bib's Biggles

I remember when a friend told me about some obscure FX show that had premiered the other night, and that it wasn't necessarily HILARIOUS, but something about Bab's Borgles is just so... likable.

Stranger Things is on the list.

I also binged all of Bojack in 3 days and it was fantastic. Not a fantastically happy experience, but a damn good one. If you've ever dealt with depression (I'm on pills for some tough shit right now) it's amazingly relate-able.
09/07/16 12:29AM
doctor who, gravity falls, star vs the forces of evil
09/07/16 12:29AM
crazyman said:
doctor who, gravity falls, star vs the forces of evil

I've postponed the watching of GF's final episodes cuz I don't wanna bawl my eyes out.
09/07/16 12:35AM
The fanbase tends to be cancerous and the first season can be a bit of a chore to get through at times, but Steven Universe is an amazing cartoon.
09/07/16 12:59AM
I'm only 2 episodes in, but I'm becoming obsessed with Voltron: Legendary Defender. Whether you're a fan of the original 80s cartoon or not, you should check out this reboot.
09/07/16 01:03AM
Mindwipe said:
I'm only 2 episodes in, but I'm becoming obsessed with Voltron: Legendary Defender. Whether you're a fan of the original 80s cartoon or not, you should check out this reboot.

wtf its actually good how
09/07/16 01:38AM
Pinkanator said:
wtf its actually good how

Netflix + DreamWorks + producers and animators from the Avatar series

With the talent behind the show, I would've been more surprised if it sucked.
09/07/16 01:42AM
Personmang said:

I also binged all of Bojack in 3 days and it was fantastic. Not a fantastically happy experience, but a damn good one. If you've ever dealt with depression (I'm on pills for some tough shit right now) it's amazingly relate-able.

When I first started it I fully expected it to be a quirky but semi-funny sitcom-like show with animal people added into the mix in an effort to be original. I was in no way prepared for the emotional gut-punches that followed. I gotta say, Bojack might be Will Arnett's second best role he's ever done (with Gob Bluth obviously being first). He just brings so much likability to the character despite how selfish and narcissistic he is.
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