09/11/16 03:54AM
Image progress improvement
Alright, waverun here. So, I know people just want me to get better at my "work" and so I've been practicing whenever I'm at the Blast Program (a program to learn how to live life in terms of job and home things) and at home whenever I feel I need to make improvements or practice.
So I'm going to try to edit this image of mine into a manip just so I can see how good it does. Well, I might if It gets a positive critique on it. So, here you all go.


09/11/16 04:08AM
Still need to work on the hand, but it's great progress!
09/11/16 04:09AM
Hello there! How do you go about practicing, may I ask? :)
09/11/16 04:22AM
geekgirl8 said:.
Hello there! How do you go about practicing, may I ask? :)

I've learned from Myuk on Skype, and on a tumblr stream from MarsMiner. I'm still practicing by the way,
09/11/16 04:23AM
waverun said:
I've learned from Myuk on Skype, and on a tumblr stream from MarsMiner. I'm still practicing by the way,

Oh, what I mean is, what exactly are you doing to practice? Do you use references at all? :)
09/11/16 04:29AM
geekgirl8 said:
Oh, what I mean is, what exactly are you doing to practice? Do you use references at all? :)

Sometimes I do. I did just now to make and Asriel hand drawing that I am currently still working on, but I'm saving the rest for the stream later.
09/11/16 04:40AM
waverun said:
Sometimes I do. I did just now to make and Asriel hand drawing that I am currently still working on, but I'm saving the rest for the stream later.

That's good! References are really an artist's best friend. You might be tempted to only want to draw something from your mind, but without the proper practice it won't look right, and that can be a huge source of frustration. I've found that picking one particular area to improve (eyes, hands, legs, etc.), studying lots of references of that thing, and then drawing it over and over really help. The more you draw it and look at it, the more you start 'seeing' it, and your hand and mind will start to be more cooperative with each other. :)
09/11/16 06:11AM
So, looking at it you've definitely made progress, but there's still a few bits I'd like to cover. Firstly, the lines. There's a LOT of lines you should be erasing. There are some styles where keeping lines works, in fact RCBC's style seems to keep some of the lines, but even if you were aiming for a style like that, there's still a lot of sketch lines you should've gotten rid of. My tip for this is just to draw lighter, and when you get the line right, draw over it until the line's solidly darkened. Another thing is proportions. While you are getting better, there's just a few things that look off to me. As Pink said, your hands are getting better, but they're still bent at non-human angles in parts, especially that pinky, and some seem far too long to even be long fingers, like the thumb actually being longer than the ring finger. The neck also seems a bit long, though, again, that could be due to the lines. It's hard to tell where the actual chin is. If it's where I THINK it is though, a little below the mouth (which is fine), the head seems disproportionate to the neck entirely. The neck is enormous compared to the rest of the body it looks like. Your ears are fine, better than mine anyways, which is honestly a good start. I can't even manage ears yet. Well, I probably COULD if I tried for a bit, but... I really don't want to try learning a new body part right now. Your hair looks good, actually. Can't see much issue with that, aside from the aforementioned lines. I can see you've added bone and muscle structure to the neck, which looks pretty good. Only thing I have left to add is that the torso seems to curve unnaturally. On clothing as loose as that, it would hang at almost a straight line, albeit with a few wrinkles, or the clothing waving due to force against it, like wind or something. Even if the clothes were tight, I'd say to just continue working on the torso structure a bit. You're making progress though, that much is evident. Oh, while I'm at it, the arm being held up. I don't know exactly how to phrase this, never was good with wording things, but the elbow joint of the sleeve, the uh... The line bit where it separates the joint, y'know that one that descends from the sleeve line downwards? It might do you good to make it a bit longer. At the moment I feel it just makes the two parts of the arm look disproportionate a bit, but that might just be me nitpicking.

ANYWAYS, art tips/ranting aside, I was meaning to ask. Do you think we could use this thread as just an art improvement posting thread in general? I've got some art I've been meaning to post somewhere to ask for advice, and this might be the perfect place to do it.
09/11/16 07:40AM
SomeCallMeSalty said:
Do you think we could use this thread as just an art improvement posting thread in general? I've got some art I've been meaning to post somewhere to ask for advice, and this might be the perfect place to do it.

Sure, go right ahead.
09/11/16 11:52AM
waverun said:
Sure, go right ahead.

Coolio. So, i.imgur.com/voyXF70.jpg
That's one of the more recent things I've drawn in my spare time. It was originally sketched in pencil, but I outlined and colored it in pen a few days ago in class when I was bored. Feel free to give any criticism you can. And yeah, it's... Only to the shoulders. I'm trying to get good at drawing bits and pieces of anatomy before I attempt anything else.
09/11/16 02:23PM
SomeCallMeSalty said:
Coolio. So, i.imgur.com/voyXF70.jpg
That's one of the more recent things I've drawn in my spare time. It was originally sketched in pencil, but I outlined and colored it in pen a few days ago in class when I was bored. Feel free to give any criticism you can. And yeah, it's... Only to the shoulders. I'm trying to get good at drawing bits and pieces of anatomy before I attempt anything else.

I like your style, but if you want some advice on better anatomy, try drawing the neck slightly wider and shorter~
09/12/16 01:08AM
G3m4sSt4ff said:
I like your style, but if you want some advice on better anatomy, try drawing the neck slightly wider and shorter~

Yeah, I should probably try fixing the neck. It is pretty small, looking at it.
09/12/16 01:48AM
SomeCallMeSalty said:
Yeah, I should probably try fixing the neck. It is pretty small, looking at it.

In my eyes, the neck looks fine. Judging from shoulders you drew, the body proportions seem to be chibi-like which is all good.

The head anatomy can use some work as your character is looking slightly androgynous, and maybe that'll make the neck look less out of place as others say.

All in all it's a good piece, nice job with the hair! ^^
09/12/16 01:51AM
RelaxDude said:
In my eyes, the neck looks fine. Judging from shoulders you drew, the body proportions seem to be chibi-like which is all good.

The head anatomy can use some work as your character is looking slightly androgynous, and maybe that'll make the neck look less out of place as others say.

All in all it's a good piece, nice job with the hair! ^^

I actually kind of like androgyny tbh
09/12/16 01:55AM
Pinkanator said:
I actually kind of like androgyny tbh

I suppose I enjoy tom-boyish girls too, if that's what you mean :P
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