09/11/16 10:39AM
Hypno-Tan for Source FilmMaker
So I made a Hypno-Tan reskin for <<steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=691265008|Anfrien's Zone-Tan model>>.

You can download the skin itself <<www.mediafire.com/download/njf1p5c15mcdt8i/Hypno-Zone.zip|here>>. Simply drop your installation method of choice into your Source FilmMaker folder.

Installation Methods:
* Manual
** <<steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=291500222|Requires you to change the $basetexture of the Zone-Tan model in the Element Viewer>>.
** $basetexture file paths: poke\hypnozone\cloth, poke\hypnozone\sweater, poke\hypnozone\sweaternospirals.
* Replacement
** Simply drop this in your folder and let the overwrite proceed.
** The texture will automatically be replaced whenever the Zone-Tan model is spawned.
** Unless backed up, Zone-Tan's original skin is gone until you delete and redownload the model itself.

* The spirals look a bit odd. This is due to how the model's textures are mapped, with oddities around the nipples and on the edge of the breasts. For this reason, I've added a spiral-less version to the manual version.
* The hair isn't right. Again, an issue with the model, nothing I can really do.

Soon to come. Probably.

PLEASE, ABSOLUTELY POST IF YOU DO SOMETHING WITH THIS, HAVE A REQUEST, OR JUST HAVE THOUGHTS ('Cause thinking isn't around here, we'll send someone over to leave you in mindless bliss)

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