09/11/16 08:41PM
09/11/16 08:46PM
09/11/16 08:59PM
09/11/16 10:14PM
Not mine, but from a sci-fi versus forum my friend frequents, usually used to respond to ideas that are just stomps (Mainly involving the Timelords)

"Lord-President Rassilon reporting in for fuck shit up duty, what appears to be the situation?"
"Well, there's some assholes with spaceships shooting at the Transduction Barrier. They're not really doing any damage though, we could probably just ignore them for the rest of eternity and we'd all be fine."
"Nah, let's fuck around with these faggots. Let's destroy their entire universe, just for shits and giggles. No, let's turn their universe into cheese, yeah, cheese; cheese that's so bad, you get fucking cancer just from looking at it, unless you're behind a Transduction Barrier. Also, let's turn all of the universes anyway near theirs into cancer-cheese, too. In fact, let's make it so that their universe was always caner-cheese and make it impossible for anything other than cancer-cheese to even exist, even on a conceptually level."
"How do you sleep at night, sir?"
"I don't, but it's worth it."
09/12/16 08:46AM
<<|When you find a thread that will cause an obvious flame war and shitposting will ensue.>>
09/12/16 10:26AM
<<|Please don't hate me for this...>>
09/14/16 01:38PM
Did I kill this thread by posting a meme almost as old Youtube?
09/14/16 05:01PM
Anon_3.141 said:
Did I kill this thread by posting a meme almost as old Youtube?

Brother forgets things.

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