09/13/16 07:06AM
Thinking of making a sort of "Ideal Bank"
So a lot of times people here, including myself, sometimes have to struggle with moral questions over certain fetishes, especially hypnosis. There's a lot of hard questions that no one likes having to answer. For the most part it's a case of "learn to live with it or leave the community either filled with shame and regret, or permanently and in a macabre fashion," and these issues seem to come up at least once every few months for our small community alone, not counting any members who may not have wanted to talk about their issues. For this, I'd like to ask for any suggestions on services that could allow us to pool our ideals and coping mechanisms into an organized, permanent archive. It'd be nice if people who are having to ask hard questions and make harder decisions could open up a whole catalogue of mentalities pertaining to hypnofetishism, and what answers we found that could keep us asleep at night being a part of the fetish. Anyone could walk in and see detailed descriptions of ideals submitted by other, and choose to adopt parts of- or even whole- sets of ideals. I'd prefer a site or service that has a checkbox for anonymous submissions, so that one's beliefs not meshing with those of local or international law doesn't end up with them on a watchlist. I'd rather not have people censor themselves in such situations where censorship could ruin their message, but be their only saving grace at some point due to legal issues. I probably could have phrased this better but I'm tired as hell XD
09/13/16 07:24AM
pokefannafekop said:
... I probably could have phrased this better but I'm tired as hell XD

Or some used a paragraph break. But I kid.

It sound like a fairly nice idea, but the only way I know of to do anything like what you're suggesting would be, I guess, a Tumblr page? Which has it's own problems and requires a good amount of maintenance to stay on top of stuff, keep it organized, dealing with submissions, etc. Anyone got any better way?
09/13/16 11:31AM
I have to assume it's a lot harder if you have the dom mentality. As a sub, even if the things I'm thinking about are less ethical, I'm only ever thinking about them happening to myself, which is kind of a lot easier to accept.

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