09/15/16 02:02AM
GTA V fun ideas (Non-Hypnosis related)
Hello everyone, waverun here again. So, I've been thinking, people have been telling me that in the videogame GTA V, there's hardly anything to do anymore. Well I wanna prove them wrong. I want to see your ideas of fun for anyone who has the videogame Grand Theft Auto 5.

If you want to test your ideas with me, I will email my Rockstar Social Club name and we can get started. I need something to do since I don't play Undertale that much and I stopped watching My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic in a waiting period for a new episode with a important and/or speaking role for Princess Celestia.

So name your suggestions down in the comments, and I'll email my Social Club ID if you want to test your ideas with me since Rockstar didn't add a server menu for joining specific lobbies. Thanks for hearing this and I can't wait to see what REAL fun HypnoHub can have!
09/15/16 08:14AM
Car stacking. Have a contest to see who can stack the most cars on top of eachother.

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