09/17/16 11:28AM
Magical Manipulations/Humans and Homesteads, CHYOA stories!
Hello amigos,

I am the author of "Magical Manipulations" and "Humans and Homesteads", a pair of sister stories hosted on CHYOA.com


Both stories are sextastic adventures about you (yes, you!) discovering magical power, one of the choices is the power of mind-control (the other big one is the ability to stop time). Since I'm sure there are different tastes for all kinds of sub-genres of mind-control, I would say the one I typically write would fall under "universal acceptance" and "oblivious/unaware of sex". As far as I can remember, none of the chapters have women operating as mindless robots so if your fetish revolves around that I'm afraid you will not find it here. :(

"Magical Manipulations" is set in a fantasy realm (so far I've only talked about Elves... that's about it, a mistake on my part I believe) while "Humans and Homesteads" is set in current day somewhere in the USA (maybe your neighborhood!)

I would love to hear feedback, criticisms, suggestions, anything at all!
09/17/16 02:01PM
hmm....interesting, alright then, I'll check it out, but off the cuff, it sounds very interesting already~

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